Fujian Longxi (LS) Bearing Corporation Limited

Fujian Longxi (LS) Bearing Corporation Limited
At the beginning of 2015, triumphant news keeps pouring in. Since the establishment of our strategic partnership, by your unremitting efforts, both in technology development and in business development we have gained fruitful achievements. First the testing results of our new liner system and secondly for our new business opportunities with the signing of NDA’s with new potential customers, this is very exciting. Thirdly, Longxi Bearing USA Inc. is establishing according to our plan, we have full expectation for that.
All of these depended on your excellent work, here, on behalf of the LS team; I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude for you. And with your continuously & strong support, we firmly believe that our cooperation will achieve more success in the future.
Zeng Fan Pei
Chairman of the Board