Author Archives: adminalla

June 2020 “Short Memories”

There’s one thing that we can all agree on is that the world moves incredible fast and if you blink, you’ll miss it. As the northern hemisphere moves into the summer season so does the heat and the anticipation to re-engage in the great outdoors and resume some semblance of normalcy. So where does this leave our business community?

As in life there are always winners and losers and those in between. The aftermath of this pandemic highlights this truism to the greatest extent, but human nature always finds a way even in defeat. We learn from our circumstances and our mistakes. As we found and always knew that diversification and market saturation was and is the key to survival along with my favorite, theme creativity.
So how do we move forward? Depends on the businesses that we are in and anticipated pent up demand as well as new and more efficient ways of conducting business. We now know and to some degree have gotten use to virtual meetings out of necessity, some technology impaired may disagree; however, we have been shown the future with mixed reviews.

Many professional businesses are reevaluating the need for large office space as well as the hustle and bustle not to mention the drive to work or not. But human interaction is a must and is needed at a basic level for survival and communication as well as efficiency in moving projects forward. So, hybrid models of smaller office spaces and flexible at work schedules will be more in vogue moving forward.
Retail stores particularly boutique stores will continue to be challenging; however, the ones that provide excellent customers service and are creative on their pricing models will continue to grow and, in some cases, thrive. Ordering off a website may be convenient but most of us still like to see the product before we purchase it, as long as the item is reasonably priced.

Manufacturing will continue to grow especially in light of bringing more products back to the U.S. with a cavoite, that the products are of high quality and technically advanced. Many parts of the world that were low cost suppliers are quickly becoming on par with the United States in price or should I say various States that are mindful of being business friendly (a completely new topic for a newsletter). The challenge will be in the manufacturing industry to train future employees and their willingness to work in factories.

Restaurants in most cases were adversely affected; however, they should reach all-time highs with the pent-up demands and the need for social events with family and friends finding the importance to commune with others. This is a lesson that was truly exemplified and have found even a higher value than ever before.
Short memories, unfortunately yes. We as a society are bombarded with so many daily distractions along with various news and information that’s questionable, we will in time brush off the past traumas and life changing events to a modified normalcy. And as I very much like to espouse in the success for business and in your personal life is creativity follow through and tenacity wins the day.

Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential

May 2020 “Keeping in Touch with Past, Current, and Potential Clients”

Michael Allawos, Principal Consultant

To say we are in interesting times is an understatement to say the least. As I continually state creativity is the key to success as well as tenacity in moving forward. Business / Capitalism always finds a way and the economy is usually better for it.

Having a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is important to maintain your list of contacts and clients in order to nurture those relationships to insure that steady stream of work and project or simply to stay on their radar for when the time is right. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Potential Clients

New projects are beneficial in many ways, they offer you the chance to work with new people and a wider exposure of your abilities and outreach. However, do not underestimate the value of current and past clients who might be willing to offer you regular projects that will keep your business ticking over time as well as valuable referrals.

Marketing yourself can take up a lot of time. It can also be frustrating if you do your best to write wonderful proposals but are not getting any work. In a world that is getting more complicated by the day it is important to experiment with various communication outlets to get your message out.

A Happy Customer Is Your Best Marketer

A lot of business owners make the mistake of focusing on potential clients so much that they neglect their current and past clients. This can be a big mistake. Past clients who are happy are your best resources for word-of-mouth marketing and recommendations. Don’t feel shy about asking them for a testimonial or reference in relation to your work. Develop a referral form (please see in our A&C educational section for a sample form) to ask for those valuable referrals, if you don’t ask you won’t receive.

Current Clients

In terms of current clients, you need to impress them with how professional and efficient you are. Producing your best work even under tight deadlines is what being a good product or service provider is all about. Communicate clearly, be friendly but respectful, and you could end up with regular clients who really appreciate what you do.

Past Clients

The Pareto principle says that 80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers. It is easier to convince someone of your value when they have already used your services (if you have done a good job), than to try to convince total strangers to give you a try.

Your Portfolio

When working with so many clients, it can be easy to forget to update your portfolio to show off your best work, but that will be exactly what prospective clients want to see. At your portfolio site, and tombstones, you should have all you contact information and links to your best examples of the work that you provide – such as articles, website design, problems solved, products delivered, and so forth. Each item should have a title, and a hyperlink to that item so they can see all you have to offer. Put this URL on all your marketing material.

Email Marketing

One of the easiest ways to keep in touch with past, present and future clients is to maintain email marketing lists. A service like Active Campaign, Autopilot, Hubspot, SendinBlue, ConvertKit, Omnisend, Rejoiner, allows you to create lists in your account, so you should have no trouble being able to create three separate lists to nurture these different relationships.

For past and current clients, you could send out a newsletter once a month with some valuable niche-related content and any new services you might have added to your business, link to your portfolio.

Treat them like they are special (which of course they are), and consider offering them discounts and coupons, or special service packages that bundle your offerings or even just an update with new and relevant information. Consider offering niche-related content for their site as well as your uploading and scheduling work.

For prospective customers, get them on your list first by offering them a useful free item related to your niche. It could be a checklist, cheat sheet or other item that shows you are something of an expert, and can help clients work smarter, not harder. Then send them more details about the services you provide.

By nurturing, your current and past clients as well as looking for new ones, you will get more business with less effort.

Creativity follow through and follow-up is the key to success!

Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

April 2020, “Here Ye Here Ye, The 5 Here’s to an Impromptu Speech”

Michael Allawos, Principal Consultant

To say we are in interesting times is an understatement to say the least. As I continually state creativity is the key to success as well as tenacity in moving forward. Business / Capitalism always finds a way and the economy is usually better for it.

Having a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is important to maintain your list of contacts and clients in order to nurture those relationships to insure that steady stream of work and project or simply to stay on their radar for when the time is right. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Potential Clients

New projects are beneficial in many ways, they offer you the chance to work with new people and a wider exposure of your abilities and outreach. However, do not underestimate the value of current and past clients who might be willing to offer you regular projects that will keep your business ticking over time as well as valuable referrals.

Marketing yourself can take up a lot of time. It can also be frustrating if you do your best to write wonderful proposals but are not getting any work. In a world that is getting more complicated by the day it is important to experiment with various communication outlets to get your message out.

A Happy Customer Is Your Best Marketer

A lot of business owners make the mistake of focusing on potential clients so much that they neglect their current and past clients. This can be a big mistake. Past clients who are happy are your best resources for word-of-mouth marketing and recommendations. Don’t feel shy about asking them for a testimonial or reference in relation to your work. Develop a referral form (please see in our A&C educational section for a sample form) to ask for those valuable referrals, if you don’t ask you won’t receive.

Current Clients

In terms of current clients, you need to impress them with how professional and efficient you are. Producing your best work even under tight deadlines is what being a good product or service provider is all about. Communicate clearly, be friendly but respectful, and you could end up with regular clients who really appreciate what you do.

Past Clients

The Pareto principle says that 80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers. It is easier to convince someone of your value when they have already used your services (if you have done a good job), than to try to convince total strangers to give you a try.

Your Portfolio

When working with so many clients, it can be easy to forget to update your portfolio to show off your best work, but that will be exactly what prospective clients want to see. At your portfolio site, and tombstones, you should have all you contact information and links to your best examples of the work that you provide – such as articles, website design, problems solved, products delivered, and so forth. Each item should have a title, and a hyperlink to that item so they can see all you have to offer. Put this URL on all your marketing material.

Email Marketing

One of the easiest ways to keep in touch with past, present and future clients is to maintain email marketing lists. A service like Active Campaign, Autopilot, Hubspot, SendinBlue, ConvertKit, Omnisend, Rejoiner, allows you to create lists in your account, so you should have no trouble being able to create three separate lists to nurture these different relationships.

For past and current clients, you could send out a newsletter once a month with some valuable niche-related content and any new services you might have added to your business, link to your portfolio.

Treat them like they are special (which of course they are), and consider offering them discounts and coupons, or special service packages that bundle your offerings or even just an update with new and relevant information. Consider offering niche-related content for their site as well as your uploading and scheduling work.

For prospective customers, get them on your list first by offering them a useful free item related to your niche. It could be a checklist, cheat sheet or other item that shows you are something of an expert, and can help clients work smarter, not harder. Then send them more details about the services you provide.

By nurturing, your current and past clients as well as looking for new ones, you will get more business with less effort.

Creativity follow through and follow-up is the key to success!

Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

March 2020 “Developing A Personal Strategy”

For most folks, a change signifies a possible disorientation, consternation and moving away from their comfort zone. Since most of us seek stability and order, we hardly ever welcome a change. Many of us find ourselves in great stress, anxiety and immense chaos when the prospect of change looms around the corner.

As much as wish to avoid it, it’s prudent to realize that change is inevitable. Life is a collection of changes; with life we learn to deal with a change and mold ourselves to get along with it. Likewise, in an organization, when a change is implemented, people can get accustomed to the changed environment. Instead of being scared and running away from the change, it’s favorable to learn, how to cope with a change. I find that by embracing change and labeling it as an experience helps ease the discomfort and actually brings self-confidence.

Often times when we have those persisting issues that keep reappearing its life’s little way of reminding us that the path that we are on is not the right path and to choose another way.

Below are some personal strategy points that can help you overcome the stress of change:

• Take a different approach

Change is not always bad. Many times, in fact most of the times when there is a change, it happens for a good reason. Remember the way a child learns to walk from crawling? It’s a change which might seem excruciatingly painful because of all the falling which results in bruises, but once a child learns to walk, it proves to be the most beneficial change to have ever happen to him or her in life, a learning “experience”. Likewise, in an organization, when there is a change due to higher management policies, consumer demands etc., it is not always for worse. In fact, many times, due to modern principles of total quality management (TQM), it is beneficial for an organization to implement a change thus, helping the employees in return to excel. An employee should look at a change with positive, optimistic, and a challenging approach. Doing this, would ease the process of change for a person and lead to a better future for him or her in the new scenario.

• Realize your capacity to adapt

Everyone has a different capacity to adapt him/herself to a change. Some people, due to their quick learning abilities and higher IQ are able to adapt themselves to changes much quicker than others. Apart from genetic abilities, this capability to efficiently and quickly change is provided by proper planning and right attitude as well as communication when appropriate.

• Develop a managing strategy based on who you are

Self-realization is an important virtue. A person who is aware of his or her shortcomings and positive attributes are in a better position to evaluate their abilities in managing change. Making a list of the current skills, and skills that would need to be acquired and acting accordingly would help you to engage in an efficient transformation towards a change.

• Keep your expectations realistic

Many times, a change does not produce the results that it was intended to give. At other times one might experience severe discomfort while adapting to a change. Irrespective of such incidents, one should not get disheartened by a failure and be open towards future changes. With this, it is greatly advised to have a realistic approach towards a change and the ability to change. Proper guidance regarding the consequences of a change can be solicited from a senior member or mentor of the organization to get a realistic view of the change.

Putting off until tomorrow what you can do today only leads to a path of inefficiencies and disappointments for you and those around you. Make the most of your abilities and learn more so that you can do more.

Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

February 2020 “Characteristics of Leadership”

Since time immemorial, leaders have guided humanity through its struggle for survival. A leader shows us a ray of light in darkness, makes our future brighter and life much simpler; he or she brings hope and happiness in our life. This is the optimistic view of a leader and this newsletter will focus on the positive influence of a leader keeping in mind that we all know that a charismatic leader can also be a dangerous one based on their belief systems and those of their followers.

What are the characteristics of leadership; people often wonder. Why is it that someone is a leader and someone else a follower? It has been observed that a leader possesses certain qualities which are markedly different from the common masses or those who do not want to lead. While the common man or woman gets entangled in their routine life, the leaders often overcome these difficulties and decide to bring radical changes in the environment in which they live.

There are two kinds of people in this world, proactive and reactive. Reactive people give vent to their anger whereas proactive people think for the future and try to find lasting solutions to any problem(s) and generally have a positive attitude. When Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of the train, he didn’t react at that moment but instead he devised a strategy, which threw the British out of India forever, indeed a lasting solution. Being proactive is considered one of the most important characteristics of leadership.

Having the capability of taking on tough decisions is considered an important characteristic of leadership. Being tough and or strong also means having the ability to withstand peoples’ ire. Sometimes some decisions are unpopular or have vision beyond the here and now, but one needs to take it for the overall benefit of the people, which might be essential for a better future. A leader should demonstrate tremendous courage and stamina during that challenging period as well as not caring who takes credit for a job well done as long as it gets done.
A leader is always focused towards their goal(s). They exhibit complete dedication towards their work and demonstrate tremendous self-confidence. A leader is not fickle minded. He or she is determined; their communication with people is very effective. A leader never gets carried away by emotions. Their emotional quotient is exemplary and they never make decisions based on their whims and fancies. They are the personification of enthusiasm. He or she creates positive energy around their surroundings, energizing everyone around them. In fact, people take great pleasure in working with such people.

The ability to motivate others is a vital characteristic of leadership. Anyone devoid of this characteristic should not even dream of becoming a leader. Vacillating or waiting for consciences is not part of the definition of a true leader. People stick to a leader because they find such a leader to be motivational. Once people get motivated, they stick to and work tirelessly for their leaders, helping them achieve their goals and objectives. If people are not motivated by a leader, then why will they follow?

In life there is an up and a down, a plus and a minus but nonetheless a constant struggle of nature; this will never change. Leaders struggle with this constantly and even to some degree have a bit of a dark side that must be overcome on a daily basis. Those that overcome to do good tend to be incredible, strong individuals and we all know what happens to leaders when they can’t overcome the struggles of life.

It is believed that certain characteristics of leadership are by birth, similar to the color of our eyes and hair passed down by our parents through the great gene pool. Someone is a born orator; someone is a born singer and someone is a born writer. True to a certain extent, but it is also true that there is nothing in this world which cannot be achieved by hard work. Mahatma Gandhi started exhibiting his leadership traits when he was a young man, and surprisingly Colonel Sanders founded Kentucky Fried Chicken and spread his franchise across the United States when he was in his sixties. Sam Walton, although he’d owned a small chain of discount stores, opened the first true Wal-Mart in 1962 when he was 44. So, there’s nothing that can’t be learned.

Apathy is a choice; don’t make it! What kind of LEADER will you be?

Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

Good News is Coming

January 2020 “Building Intrigue When Talking about What You Do”

As we start the New Year we are newly energized to take on new challenges, personal, and professional growth, as well as vowing to follow a new direction. If you believe in the effects of Solar Eclipses 2020 will be the year for you. Solar eclipses are typically for new beginnings and great opportunities. Because they happen in the New Moon, it is important to write down all your intentions and what new things you want to manifest for this period.

Many businesses, freelancers and service providers make the mistake of focusing on themselves rather than on their clients’ needs. They also don’t make it clear what value they provide. For example, they might tell everyone they work as a virtual assistant, but don’t make it clear exactly what top services they provide. Writing intriguing marketing copy in relation to your services can help you get more clients, and it is easier than you think.

Who Will Hire You?

Many companies are now hiring freelancers in order to do particular tasks which are either too boring or laborious for them to bother with, or which they don’t have the staff to cover. This being the case, there are many opportunities for virtual assistants and other service providers to work on a range of special projects, or get a steady stream of clients they can help every day.

A good virtual assistant can be worth their weight in gold to a busy executive particularly if they can’t afford or have a steady stream of work for a full time Public Relations Officer. A good PRO can take care of the many administrative tasks related to running a successful business and frees the executive / owner up to focus on business development, product development, and other important tasks that will increase their revenue stream.

Your Value as a Service Provider

You need to make your value proposition clear from the outset when you are writing your description of your services, but you can do so in an intriguing way. Some virtual assistants are generalists who will do just about any business-related tasks just as if they were a personal assistant working full time in an office. Others specialize in particular areas or computer programs.

One of the most popular specialties for service providers is WordPress, the number one blogging software in the world. Many business owners use it to create their websites. Once they have a website, they need to keep it up to date. Virtual assistants, who can upload content, schedule it, optimize it for search engines and so on, and will command a higher salary than a generalist. Most business typically has a website, but make a fatal mistake by not keeping it current and fresh with new content.

Be Solutions Oriented

When you are writing your copy, intrigue your audience by painting a picture of how great life can be if they hire you or by highlighting how your services will ease their daily stress. Start by showing that you understand their pain points; that is, the things that they find most difficult in their business, which might be holding them back from the success they deserve.

By showing you understand their pain points, you are offering a solution to those problems through the services that you provide. What would their life be like if they didn’t have to spend so much time working on WordPress and or other mundane websites and computer programs? How much more time would they have to grow their business if you took over their email marketing campaigns? The above simply highlighted the service of online marketing. This is not limited; business is in the business of service. Whether it be lawyers, CPS’s or manufactures who make products, a service is still being provided.

Your Pitch Should Support Your Assertions

It’s relatively easy to write intriguing copy, but you also have to convince the reader that you can deliver. Your pitch needs to tell a story to keep the reader’s attention and intrigue them to keep reading. The story should interweave the challenge, the solution and the conclusion highlighting what your company can do while at the same time enticing them with in your marketing materials and services provided.
If you’ve been struggling to get new clients, rewrite your marketing materials to make them more intriguing and compelling, and you should soon see clients who are willing to give you the opportunity to provide your services and new exciting projects.

Woman at a desk

Biggest Mistakes People Make When Trying to Attract High-Quality Clients – November 2019

There are a number of common mistakes business leaders, freelancers and service providers make when they are trying to attract high-quality clients. Avoiding these mistakes can mean the difference between struggling or running your business smoothly, with a steady stream of clients willing to pay you what you are worth.

Not Distinguishing between Price and Value?

Many businesses worry about price, and are willing to sell their products and services for less than their competition. The trouble is that you can get locked into the cheaper price, and find it difficult to raise it in the future and may be forced to compromise on quality. In addition, the lower price might attract only bargain-basement clients, rather than quality ones you could have a long-term relationship with. Top business people might actually dismiss you for being too cheap.  And to that point there have been many instant’s that by raising a price on a certain product and or service got the deal.

Then there’s a question of value. Value and Price are not the same. Your value will be in how good you are with your work, how reliable you are, and how well you are able to stick to your deadlines. Your value is also determined by your experience. If you are a real pro at WordPress, for example, then you are more valuable than a person charging the same amount who isn’t, because you are bringing your knowledge and experience to every project.

Recently I went to an auto body repair company for paint–less dent repair and was willing to pay to have a good job performed quickly. Not only was an appointment made right away with an estimate but after the job was done in a few hours the price was discounted because the repair company was not satisfied with the outcome (I couldn’t see any problem) so to say the least I will refer business to this company.

Not Being Clear about What You Offer?

Make a list of everything that you are good at that you could offer to your clients. Then narrow it down to things that you enjoy and can do quickly. Next, decide how closely related they are to each other. Can you offer a number of services that cover many of the basics that busy business owners would find it useful to hand over to others? They might include customer service, email marketing, uploading content to a blog, and so on.

For example, if you are able to do email marketing and you also have a health background, this might be worth mentioning in some cases, but not in others. A person interested in finance, for example, might not think you were the right person for them.

Not Choosing a Niche?

Service providers who choose a particular niche to work in often find that it is easier to get work, because they start to build up a reputation as an expert in that niche. The top three niches are health, finance and self-help. If your services are too broad the potential customer may get lost in your offerings and choose to deal with the company that focus is narrower.

Not Having a Well-Constructed Portfolio?

Your portfolio should give examples of each of the services you wish to offer, if at all possible. Give items a title, link to them, and if there are many samples, group them according to the category of services being offered.

Giving Away Too Much for Free to Make the Sale?

It’s great to want to prove that you are a talented worker who can deliver the goods, but time is money, and so is the work you do. A lot of new service providers give away far too much in terms of free information and their time. Free samples are not really needed – you have your portfolio to show what you can do.

You should also avoid long consultation calls. In an effort to be helpful and prove you are the right person for the job, you would probably give away far more information than you should. Then they really have no reason to hire you, because you have already told them what to do.

Not Marketing Yourself Enough?

Once you are a service provider, you need to tell the world you are available for work. This is not a time to be shy. Chambers of Commerce, E-Marketing, and the plethora of social media opportunities are but just a few outlets to get your message out. If you really feel bold you may join professional business groups that rely on referrals to help with the messaging.

Not Marketing Yourself in the Right Places?

Determine where your high-end prospective customers are likely to spend most of their time. Then come up with marketing material that speaks to their needs, offering real solutions at an affordable price. And don’t forget your “elevator speech”.

Not Asking Happy Customers for Referrals?

Word-of-mouth marketing is the key to a successful business. Happy customers spreading the word about how reliable and professional you are can make all the difference between a full calendar of regular assignments, that sale, and you having to chase all over trying to get new gigs or sell that product. Don’t be bashful, send a friendly note to a satisfied customer(s) asking for referrals, if you don’t ask you won’t get.

Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

October 2019 “What Does Experience Have to do With It?”

The death of a business is not willing to move forward and grow.  Always reinventing yourself and your business is the life blood of any organization.  Stepping out of that comfort zone or the preverbal box that we sometimes place ourselves in is key to our success.

So, what does experience have to do with my previous statement? As we move through life our experiences shape our lives.  Experience both good and bad is still experience and in the right frame of mined is invaluable to our success.

We’ve all said “well I’ll never do that again” hopefully a lesson learned or perhaps the better way to phrase it would “I won’t do it that way again”. So, we pick ourselves up dust off the negative feelings and move about our business but how do we look at opportunity?

Opportunity and experience are partners.  Yes partners. If you have experienced a bad or demoralizing experience you may shy away from a growth opportunity that you may think is out of reach because experience has taught you that you failed once before in trying to attain that opportunity or something similar.  Transversely if you had a good past experience the confidence would be there and the opportunity in front of you would be a cake walk.

Years back I was receiving a decoration from another Country as a recognition for my role in international diplomacy.  Being much “younger” and less concern with failing I attempted to give a short speech in the other Countries language. Well as experience went this was one experience, I wish I didn’t have or was it?

Since that time, I have given many speeches (in English) adding to my positive experience building on one speech to another when it has become as second hand nature.

Recently I found myself at another international Country’s event and a different language was involved, one that the very mispronunciation could literally mean the difference between calling someone a Mom or a Cow which I didn’t think was very funny. But the opportunity was there.  The opportunity to shake off the past and possible grow my international business. I pulled it off and the opportunities and the step-up stature was there.

Experience should be used as a road towards opportunity.  Not looking as, a bad experience as a negative but as how to learn from it and look for that next opportunity to get past the negative and treat all experience as a positive asset.

The very definition of the word experience is as follows:

·      involvement in ·      participation in ·      contact with
·      acquaintance with ·      exposure to ·      observation of
·      awareness of ·      familiarity with ·      conversance with
·      understanding of ·      impression of ·      insight into


Each one of the above is your business opportunity, how will you incorporate the words above into action to grow your business and build upon your experience?

Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

San Bernardino International Airport

Allawos & Company is please to announce that A&C was engaged by San Bernardino International Airport to be part of their team for international business development for their freight and passenger business.

The San Bernardino International Airport is located at the previous location of Norton Airforce Base that was closed in 1994 and converted for public and commercial use. Currently the airport has an international terminal as well as a full service domestic terminal.

On the commercial side both FedEx and UPS have facilities located at the airport as well as Unical Aviation Inc. that supplies aircraft and engine parts. The Company offers parts for daily and heavy maintenance checks, component repair management, engine services, structural parts, and equipment. Unical Aviation serves regional and major airlines, maintenance repair and overhaul facilities, commuter and military operators, and other suppliers in the United States.

With the Alameda Corridor only 2.5 miles from the airport this provides a great opportunity for a synergistic relationship and freight optimization. With the lowest landing fees, strategic location and the lowest fuel prices in the region, positions the San Bernardino International Airport as a boundless solution for freight and air travel.