Author Archives: adminalla

April 2021 “Responsibility”

Responsibility, not a word that we hear lately. What do we mean by responsibility and more particularly what does it mean in our business life? What is the responsibility of the business, employees, customers, and the community?
As defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary the meaning of the word “responsibility” is:

The quality or state of being responsible such as:

  • Moral
  • Legal
  • Mental accountability
  • Reliability
  • Trustworthiness
  • A burden
  • Something for which one is responsible

    ➯ As a business there is an inherent requirement to be respectful of all and to their belief systems, fair and honest with their employees, trustworthy in business transactions, A political, and a good community member.

    ➯ Employees have the same requirements that of the business that they are associated with that also includes being fair and honest with their employer and showing up for work.

    ➯ At the risk of sounding like a broken record; yes, customers also have many of the same responsibilities of a business and being an employee except being a good community member should be a given but not always the case.

    ➯ So, what is meant by community? Community is the fabric that holds our civilization and civility together. Most just like to go about their business but typically a few try to impose their belief systems on the masses through vocal outburst and bulling tactics that disrupts the flow of commerce negatively affecting the lives of many.

    What I did not list in the above but will make special mention here is the responsibility of government. If only government had to take the Hippocratic oath (to do no harm) our stress levels may be a bit different. More and more governments are putting undo rules and regulations onto business that drives up costs that are past down to the consumer if they are still able to stay in business at all.

    Business has for all intensive purpose is being made responsible for the lives of others outside the workplace beyond providing a safe, non-threating working environment and benefits that that establishment can afford.

    Where does the line of responsibility begin and where does it end? Does being responsible as an individual add to your self-esteem? Yes. Does being a responsible business help make your enterprise be successful? Definitely. Does being responsible by improving your skills and education help you be less dependent on others and improve your bottom line? Absolutely!

    “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”

    Sigmund Freud

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    March 2021 “Grit & Leadership in Today’s World”

    Is leadership supposed to be easy? Should it be difficult? Or should it be somewhere in the middle? Sounds like a bedtime story that we all may be familiar with. Leadership should be leading to a defined goal or outcome and preferable by consensus which takes a whole lot more skills. Can ego’s get in the way? Absolutely; can past failures or pain be challenging for a leader? Sure thing; can these issues be overcome? Absolutely!

    A close friend of mine gave me a book just recently called “GRIT” and the subject matter appropriately ties in with this “leadership” newsletter. A quick definition of Grit is: To have grit means you have courage and show the strength of your character. … When understanding character education and how character is built, one of the key words that should be used is grit. A person with true grit has passion and perseverance. Goals are set and followed through.

    Setting appropriate goals is a whole other newsletter involving ethics, team building, and various other topics that we won’t get into on this letter.

    We can call leadership as a process of leading, an act of leading by one or more entities. Leadership can also be defined as the ability or the capacity to change human behavior that can achieve a target assigned by leader. You can refer leadership as an extraordinary quality a man or a woman may possess. A person having leadership qualities may give direction or guidance to some other person. This is called “actual” exercise of leadership. Very few countries have been able to give excellent or even satisfactory leadership, but this is subjective.

    Leadership can have informal and formal aspects. Formal aspect can be seen in most business and political leadership while informal aspect can be seen in most friendships. Leadership, which is an abstract term usually, means entities that do the job of leading possess some leadership skills. Leadership qualities have the ability to inspire and influence many associates. Leadership process can be developed through a process of training, self-study, education and experience.

    Leaders accomplish their tasks by applying leadership attributes such as values, ethics, knowledge, skills and beliefs. If you are a supervisor, managers then you have the authority to achieve certain tasks. This does not mean that you are the leader. You are just a boss. Leadership makes the associates want to accomplish high goals and not bossing people around.

    Some personality attributes may lead the person into leadership roles naturally.

    A hostile situation or an important event in a person’s life may bring some extraordinary qualities in that ordinary person and the person may rise to that occasion. You can also learn leadership skills and choose to become a great leader. That is, you can transform yourself to become a leader. The foundation of good leadership is having an honorable character and giving selfless service to your country or organization. Self-serving leaders may not be that effective as their associates only obey them. They don’t follow the leader. A good leadership motivates and provides direction to its employees or those needing to fulfill a certain task.

    An effective leadership builds confidence and trust among its associates. Employee satisfaction is a vital key to effective leadership. Leadership should be able to effectively communicate with the employees and others. Effective communication is a key to winning confidence and trust. In short, your leadership should be trustworthy. Manipulation and scheming others with half truths and straight out lies will only lead to a failed leadership and pain that will last a lifetime.

    In order to develop leadership qualities:

  • You should seek self-improvement.
  • You should strength your attributes.
  • You should take responsibility as well as seek responsibility.
  • Find ways for your organization to achieve new heights.
  • Develop your decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • If things go wrong in your company do not blame your employees. Instead, take some corrective action and look for the next challenge.
  • Make correct and timely decisions.
  • Try to know your employees and take care of them.
  • Make sure that tasks are well understood and accomplished.
  • Try to develop a team spirit among your associates and employees. By doing this your employees will work to their full capabilities.
  • Be technically proficient in your job and you should possess a good familiarity with the employee’s tasks.
  • Though the years I have seen good and effective leaders and others not so much.  The ones that excelled in their leadership roles were educated in their subject matter, had the respect of those who they lead, were humble and above all had Grit!

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    February 2021 “Good Vibrations”

    We’ve all heard it before “It’s all about the Vibrations, Man!” Have you ever walked into a business and immediately you just didn’t fill right? Many of us had and it wasn’t always just the way it looked or the various aromas in the air.

    Everything in this world as well as out of this world has a specific vibration or frequency at various levels, we humans can pick up on these vibrations and react accordingly. “Everything in Life is a Vibration” – Albert Einstein

    Researchers have found that the human body fundamentally resonates at a frequency to be around 4-6 Hz in a sitting position and 7.5 Hz in an active mode. However, in recent years, some studies have shown that the human body’s resident frequency may actually be as high as approximately 10 Hz.

    There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. Herein lies the link between frequency (vibration) and health. Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. So, when you feel uncomfortable when visiting a place of business, it may go beyond just not liking the place but an impact to your health on various levels.

    There are many thoughts from various cultures on the layout and content of a business and or home to invite luck or to “bring the good vibrations in”. There are also some commonsense directions a business can take to help ensure “the good vibrations” and they are as follows:

  • Use custom artwork on your walls that relate to your business
  • Add a conversational piece of furniture
  • Use various types of flooring
  • Make your conference room interactive
  • Use accent colors to brighten up the space
  • Add decorative lighting as long as your space is well lit
  • Add color through chairs
  • Organize office and remove clutter
  • Greet your customers as they enter
  • Be informative and always be truthful
  • Always, always offer a smile
  • And most important be kind and nice no matter how difficult it may be
  • How does music affect your business?

    The speed, rhythm and volume of in-store business music can influence the pace of customer(s) flow through a business. Research has shown that fast music increases arousal and interest which increases customers’ pace of movement. Conversely, relaxing music causes people to slow down and look at their surroundings. Choosing the wrong music for your business can result in your customers dissatisfaction. It can cause people to leave your place of business with no desire to come back, which would result in fewer sales. Also, the highs and lows of the music frequency / vibration may result in the alienation of a segment of your customer base depending on the type and feel of the business that you are trying to promote.

    81% of consumers say that background music lifts their mood, while 71% say it creates a better atmosphere overall. From the moment a customer walks through the door, to the moment they leave – each step of the customers journey should add value.

    So good vibrations really matter in many ways, the key is to accomplish the right combination to maximize the customer experience and your bottom line.

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.


    January 2021 “Necessity of Communication”

    The world finds itself in a place that modern civilization hasn’t seen before (well we call ourselves modern and civilized) with business uncertainties, questionable news information, and a hyper political atmosphere that makes conducting business tiring and treacherous.

    With the passing of time and increasing competition, an organization, however established it may be, needs to change and or must move forward. For an employee, a change could mean different work culture, obsolete technical knowledge, or changing management techniques. Because of such reasons change is not a welcome alternative for many; such cases should be handled with utmost care and careful communication only. To complicate mater even more remote work puts a twist on the so-called working environment that many are still not use to.

    The role of communication in the success of any business function is a well-documented fact. Its efficacy is ushering change is also evident from the fact that often organizations choose people with better communication skills to lead a change initiative, with the hope that they will able to gain widespread support across the organization.

    Before we look into the virtues of communication, let’s look closer at the process of change management. Managing change is essentially and a methodical approach used for a proper and effective transition of individuals, teams, and organizations from a current undesired state to a desired state in the future. Essentially change management comprises of both, organizational change management as well as individual change management process and if these practices are effectively used, they can lead to a better more efficient and profitable organization.

    Generally, employees go through three phases before successful implementation of a change is done:

  • Fear – This is usually due to a high level of internal rumors resulting from lack of proper communication from higher level management. A common example can be a fear of job cuts or of increased personnel responsibilities.
  • Frustration – In many organizations, full details about a change are kept confined to the higher management only. Employees could get frustrated by the level of secrecy and may retaliate by showing resistance towards change.
  • Acceptance – This is the final transition towards a change. In given time, employees understand and learn to appreciate the need towards change. This acceptance acts as a final catalyst for an easy and efficient change implementation.
  • To effectively communicate a change, some general guidelines should be followed:

  • Trust: Before undergoing a change, it is of the foremost importance for an organization to inform its employees about the change. Trust is an important factor in asserting that a change is taken with a good attitude. An untrustworthy person, if given the responsibility to convey the change, would create a sense of uneasiness among the employees and or team members can cause a loss in productivity and morale which then leads to unnecessary rumors, and a higher attrition rate.
  • Hard Logic: It’s the general nature of human beings to be resilient towards change. We search for stability and are happy in such circumstances. Only good communication and a compelling logic would enable an employee to understand the benefits of a change. Seminars, Conferences and general meetings could be conducted to deliver such knowledge.
  • Acknowledge Success: When profits or good production results from a change, it is necessary for an organization to communicate such laurels to the employees. This could confirm the effectiveness of the change and would ease further problems, if any.
  • A key to success is also to listen to those around you and taking to hart what they have to offer.  I was recently asked to provide a solution to a messaging issue by providing three talking points. I provided the talking points with the messaging to go along, but at the end of the day no messaging was ever sent out with no reasoning or explanation.  Follow through and closure is extremely important and valuable.

    Change management process with efficient and sincere communications can help circumvent all the commotion and make executing changes a quick and hassle-free process.

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    December 2020 “Which way is up and finishing strong?”

    If anyone could have predicted this last year you would have called them crazy, but here we are. This brings me to the essence of business and being prepared with a strong business plan and 3 to 6 months’ worth of cashflow on hand to be considered a solvent business.

    There is no doubt that business has become incredibly more complicated day by day with regulations on top of regulations costing big and small business alike dearly to the point of mass relocation and a second look at their business model. Business by and large try to do the right thing by their employees not only because it’s the right thing to do but the labor market is tight for skilled labor or more simply if an employee will even show up for work.

    A positive outcome of the current crisis is those businesses that can work remotely do and are changing their business model and shuttering a portion of their office footprint saving a tremendous amount of overhead costs. What business have also found is the personal touch and employee physical interaction is still key to a healthy business.

    Manufacturing has been hit hard in some areas including transportation but has increased in other areas such as plastics, molding, and pharmaceuticals to name a few. Transportation and on-line businesses have seen amazing growth and will continue as folks become more accustomed to online purchases and food delivery. Airports and Airlines have balanced passengers with freight and airports are gaining ground.

    The hardest of all is how do you plan when the direction continues to change along with the rules? How do I stay positive, focused, and viable when the ones making the rules get a paycheck regardless of the rule they make? Keeping pride and a sense of self-worth while moving through this crazy time? These are all valid questions and concerns.

    The two areas to focus on first is your metal attitude and staying positive with a clear mind. If you’re not positive you can’t have a positive outcome. Second, get help and get engaged with your local Chamber of Commerce. Your local Chamber of Commerce normally has a direct line to legislators and/or the local municipalities that make the rules that you have to follow.

    Pushing back when appropriate is healthy and it’s your right. All too often government wants businesses to provide all to everyone taking away personal responsibility and when businesses get over burdened not only the business fails but the community and the employees fail as well.

    Besides your local Chamber of Commerce there are a number of resources available to help either at no cost like the SCORE program that retire professionals coach and give helpful advice and industry connections or low cost or no cost such as some law firms that provide pro-bono services to those in need. Also, in some cases Community Colleges step out of their box and provide resources as well such as asking to work with an instructor that specializes in an area of need for your business or a student intern that is working towards their marketing degree that can help get your message out and/or come up with new and creative advantages to road blocks.

    Reaching out for help and uncovering all opportunities not only gives one hope but also alleviates second guessing and regrets down the line.

    The bottom line is to finish strong and pay it forward, stay positive and remember to be kind to others, the whole world is watching.

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential

    Hand In a Field of Grass

    November 2020 “Define Leadership”

    In these days of chaos, misdirection, and uncertainty leadership is even more important than ever before, but will the right leadership step forward and will they feel safe in doing so and more importantly will leadership be accepted?

    For leadership to be successful subordinates must also show leadership by educating themselves and take responsibility. There is no value or respect in things in life unless an investment is made.

    There are several ways to define leadership. Experts have tried to define leadership using several aspects. A process that influences other people to achieve an objective and guides the company in a way to make it more coherent and cohesive is called leadership. You can also define leadership as a process of leading people in the right direction (or what seems to be the right direction) in order to achieve the goals that are set out. Leaders apply leadership attributes such as values, knowledge, and skills to implement this process in any organization. Leadership ensures that the organization works successfully and accomplishes the desired goals. Leadership is also defined as a process that can have a positive impact on others (or it should be). It motivates people to excel in the field they are working.

    Leadership does not mean yelling at your followers to accomplish certain tasks. If you are the boss of a company that does not mean you will have leadership qualities. Leadership encourages and fosters its followers to want to accomplish high goals. Thus, leadership will be aptly defined as a process that encourages the followers to achieve their objectives. You can also define leadership as an action that directs the followers to lead a respectable and honorable life. Leadership qualities can be an inborn quality; however, it can also be developed gradually through education and self-study. Leadership can also be defined as learnership as it is a continuous learning process. Some scholars have defined leadership as an ability to inspire other people with a dream.
    Behavioral theory of leadership defines leadership in terms of relation and behavior of leaders towards their followers. Some leaders are people oriented while some are task oriented. Accordingly, there is participative leadership and directive relationship. Leadership can also be defined as a process that cultivates and nurtures later generation of leaders. Leadership is about awakening the persistence and passion among its followers to get the desired result.

    Some experts have defined leadership as an ability to transform dream into reality. Leadership does not mean just imparting instructions to its followers but also striving hard to implement and achieve the desired goals. Leadership is a process that persuades people to do the right thing for a better future (hopefully). Leadership is a process in which one person encourages, inspires, and motivates others to work for the betterment of society (again hopefully).

    Your actions should motivate people to do more and then become more. It can also be defined as the ability of a senior to persuade his or her subordinates’ action to implement a course of action. Leadership directs people to inculcate qualities that will make them good citizens of the country. Leadership defines a clear vision for the company and capacity to translate it to reality. Leadership is like a 2-way street. You should have respect for seniors as well as your juniors. Leadership persuades people to go where they do not want to go necessarily but they ought to go. Leadership is a process that makes sure that his followers accomplish the task Leadership is also defined as a set of actions that are implemented in order to create a friendly work environment.

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    October 2020 “Situational Leadership”

    Situational leadership theory is one of the types of leadership model’s and leadership styles and believes that different leadership style’s suit different situations. There is also the basic thought “will you change who you are” based on a situation? No, the theory just means a leader will apply different techniques and approached in the leadership role.

    That is as per a given situation, you should apply various leadership styles. Situational leadership theory assumes that the best action to be taken by a leader depends on the situation.

    The leader should also be able to adapt the style according to the situation. As the situation changes, you (the leader) should also quickly change and adapt the leadership style. Depending on the situation, you should adopt the appropriate leadership style for the best outcome.

    Adopting a particular style also depends on the relationship between those that you are leading and the leader. The cooperation of the employees, colleagues, and others also play a major role in deciding the type of leadership that should be in that organization or in the task at hand. Factors such as mood and stress may affect the leader’s behavior, be aware, you never know who you may trigger with your actions!

    When a situational leader is required to make a decision; he or she doesn’t use only one preferred style; the leaders should be versatile and thus effective in the outcome. In our day-to-day life, we do this in dealing with different people and may not even notice that we do this. It’s important we avoid getting angry especially if a new employee, or colleague makes a mistake. This theory is not only applicable to people who are leaders or are holding management positions but is also applicable to those people that lead others at play, or at work.
    A situational leadership model is also associated with situational leadership theory.
    The basic idea of this model is that leadership flexibility is necessary for effective leadership. It also believes that different leadership approaches are required for different situations. This model defines four leadership styles. These styles are based on how much guidance or direction the leader can give to his or her followers.

    Some Leadership Styles are as follows:

    • Directing Leaders- Tasks and roles of the followers are defined by these leaders. Directing leaders also supervise their followers very closely. All decisions are taken and announced by the leader. Here the leader is more focused on completing the task than keeping a good relationship with the follower. Thus, communication is one way.

    • Coaching Leaders- Here the leader still defines the tasks of the followers but asks for any suggestions from the follower and tries to keep a good relationship with the follower and the final decision is made by the leader and not the author but communication is two way.

    • Supporting- Here the leader frequently takes the help of followers for day-to-day decision. Decisions include processes and task allocation. The leader facilitates decisions, but the final decision is taken by the follower.

    • Delegating Leaders- Here the leader is too involved in problem solving and taking decisions but the authority to take the final decision is with the follower. Followers also decide how and when the leader should be involved.

    Depending on level of development of the employees, colleagues, and others, a particular style will be most effective if chosen correctly. The leadership approach should also match with what is required or needed by the employees, colleagues, and others, but most importantly be yourself otherwise you will never gain the respect of others. By following this simple suggestions, you have a better chance of success!

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential

    September 2020 “Keeping Your Cool”

    With the environment that we all find ourselves in, emotions are running high and logic is out the window. Business itself can be an emotional trip just on its own so don’t fall into the trap of allowing yourself to be emotionally compromised when dealing with a customer, or negotiating that important deal that you have been working on for months or even years.

    Strictly business please! Veering too far from the business at hand will inadvertently land you in trouble and say goodbye to that sale.

    Topic to stay away from:

  • Of course, politics
  • Religion
  • Health (you never know if the person you are talking with is in a traumatic health situation)
  • Family and Relationship issues
  • Gossip (this can also get you in a heap of legal trouble)
  • Personal Finances
  • Co-Workers and Management
  • Expensive purchases
  • Child rearing practices
  • Sex and related topics
  • Never brag
  • Topic that are relatively safe to talk about:

  • Pets (who does not want to talk about Fido?)
  • Travel
  • Hobbies
  • Favorite movies
  • Television shows
  • Your favorite restaurants
  • Cars
  • Holidays
  • Hiking or walking trails
  • There are those in the business world that do nothing but try to trigger you or try bait you into being emotionally compromised, working to throw you off your game. Many believe that the first one who loses their cool will ultimately sign a bad deal, this rule is generally true.

    Be positive and upbeat in your approach in everything that you do. It may irritate some, but most folks like to be around positive people, besides, it will make you feel better and add to your self-esteem.

    All things change, be yourself (the positive one) because someone else is already being taken. Know your triggers and when you are being triggered. Stay cool and focused on the business at hand. Be logical and take notes. Why take notes? Weather or not you are emotionally compromised or have no idea if you are, this process helps you remember with accuracy. If you don’t take notes and you are compromised you may have to rely on the party with whom you are negotiating with for the facts and we all know we are not always in control of the facts.

    Make news do not be the news, be positive and make the sale, provide great service, and be prideful in your work that builds self-esteem and continues your success and referrals.

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    August 2020 “Communicating in the New or Temporary Norm?”

    Like it or not we are currently in a new and challenging era of communication as if the old way of communication was all that easy!

    To communicate with someone, a group of folks, or an entire swath of various audiences, your communication must be sent, received, and understood as the original intent of the message or communique.

    To top it all off there may be a generational gap of technology acumen that limits and/or adds to your channels of communication further adding to your challenges.

    As with all of the social media platforms that are available the item that plagues them all is the user’s attention span which is getting shorter by the minute. So, you have less than three seconds to grab their attention and hold it for the entirety of what you want to convey (good luck with that).

    Typically, your message must be targeted to an audience that really needs to hear what you have to say and wants to learn more about; (could be a small audience) or an entertaining message that a larger audience would like to be exposed to even if its just for the entertainment value but may have cross-over potential.

    Now the million-dollar question, quantity or quality?? Not so fast on the quality. I generally like the adage “buy right, buy once”; however, each communique will require a different thought process by asking yourself, “does what I/we have to offer have cross-over value? Or is what I/we have to offer strictly for a targeted audience?”

    Once the above has been determined, the cross-over market allows the risk (although a small risk) to get creative in the entertainment arena and value to capture and retain their interest as opposed to a targeted audience. You may want to simply use the features and benefits approach for that targeted audience.

    Now how do you know if the message that was sent was received as intended and understood completely? It depends! What type of information is being communicated and what is the desired response? We have available to us analytics on social media sites that gage views and interactions (if set up properly) which is one way to know. If no further actions moving forward is the motive, or frankly to stop a certain behavior the knowing is the results. If in business new positive business engagements is the proof that you’re looking for.

    Making slight alterations to your message from time to time and measuring the results is a good indicator if your message is being understood.

    Keeping it fresh and innovative is the desired approach. If your audience sees the same message all too often or the same format they’ll get fatigued and tune out or simply discount what you have to say.

    People, as we are all learning need interaction with other people and it must be as personal as possible (I am sure we all know where that line is). Social media as well as print media can only go so far with the look and feel of that personal interaction.

    The bottom line is, determine your audience, research what your audience wants, give the audience what they want, and make it personal!

    Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.

    July 2020 “Limiting Risk”

    Today, many organizations are opting for changes in their working paradigm, and this can occur due to variety of reasons such as the devaluation of the brand, younger competition, or outdated machinery and management techniques. Currently we are adding a pandemic to the list to manage. Most often than not change in an organization is initiated on account of either growing demand or falling profits.

    However, pressing the need for a change may be needed, however, it is rarely taken on a positive note by human beings. In organizations, when a large-scale change is about to be implied, it often creates a high stress environment in the organization. This condition happens because an elevated level of stress and anxiety amongst its employees. Most people face high stress levels due to change because they believe that they are not good enough to accomplish something that they have never accomplished before and this leads to a feeling of denial which is followed by disdain or resistance towards the change. With pandemic in our midst’s there are several other factors to deal with including health concerns, financial issues, and the great unknow as to and end that seems to be elusive.

    To create a positive and sure shot plan for implementation of a change in an organization, it is important to minimize the risk that can act as a hindrance. Given below are some guidelines that you can use to minimize risk during a change:

    * Understand the goal and break it down into objectives

    It has been observed that long term or radical changes are often implemented by the management at once and make a complete break from past procedures. However, such long-term changes are difficult to accomplish and receive a greater resistance from the employees because of its sudden nature and sheer magnitude. Instead for going for a long-time sudden change, organizations can opt for a change that is short term and cost effective. Short term changes are beneficial over long term changes, as they allow smaller, achievable goals that are very easily accepted by the organization. These short-term goals, if done properly and constructively, lead to the accomplishment of long-term changes.

    * Preempt resistance to the change process and incorporate feedback from staff

    While formulating the necessary requirements and specific nuances of a change, it’s a foremost requirement to make the staff aware of the change and to include employee and stakeholder feedback regarding the change in the change process.

    * Be flexible to accommodate different views

    Many times, after a change is implemented, employees face problems and give feedback regarding the change. During the creation of a change, it is necessary to include a provision for easy and hassle-free inclusion of different views and feedbacks during and after the implementation of the change.

    * Explore the possibility of using external consultants to retrain employees

    In case a change requires a firm to create new skill sets for its employees, provision for the inclusion of external consultants for employee training should be made. Instead of transferring the full workforce to a new skill, a limited number of employees should be trained at a time and positive experiences must be encouraged.

    * Document every action so that you can correct any mistakes made in the process

    Last but not the least, in an organization, no matter how much care is taken, mistakes can be made while implementing a change. To prevent this, proper documentation of the change and its steps should be diligently performed.

    In todays environment business must be able to pivot, be creative and adapt on a dime in order to be viable. Many businesses are doing just that with success. Staying positive in the name of the game.

    Allawos & Company has helped and continues to help countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.