Author Archives: adminalla

February 2022 “Lost in Translation”

In major metropolitan cities around the world, we see an ever-changing melting pot of cultures and languages. This brings opportunities and challenges in how we communicate and conduct our daily business that I ultimately see as a positive.

The migration of people has been mainly a search for resources and a better way of life which brought challenges in communication among other issues. People find ways to cope and excel in the human way of survival. Whether through using your hands, drawing pictures, translation books and now advanced electronic translation tools that help in this process.

There are around 7,139 languages spoken around the world with close to 50% that are endangered of becoming extinct. My hope is that as languages decrease the various unique cultures can survive and be past down to the next generations.

English is the most spoken language in the world and as a side note and a fun fact; the air traffic around the world uses one language to communicate with the control tower and with other aircraft and that language is English. Can you imagine the safety concerns if this wasn’t standardized? Think about our everyday life as well, food for thought.

In many cases when someone is conversing in a language that is not their native tongue, they tend to translate what they heard into their native language, process the information and then respond in kind. This is where the challenge comes in to society of getting the communication wrong or right. As I have said before, communicating is when someone sends a message and that message was received as intended by the sender.

Translating your website for these four countries is estimated to give you access to 50% of worldwide sales potential: United States, China, Japan, and Germany.

Businesses that invested in translation were 1.5 times more likely to observe an increase in revenue. Even when a consumer speaks fluent English but English is not their native tongue, they would prefer to purchase from companies who cater to their native language.

The global language services market was valued at approximately USD 56.18 billion in 2021 and climbing.

Governments print documents in multiple languages to help service their constituents. The US alone spends around $4.5 billion annually in this process. Businesses also print instructions in multiple languages as well not just to service their diverse customer base but to also help add to their bottom line.

This website provides an in-depth wealth of knowledge for which I pulled some of the data for this news article:

With the world starting to open up and business travel is increasing, its important to use all of the tools at your disposal doing your best to communicate in that local language. In most cases the locals will be grateful for your efforts and try to meet you half way in communicating. Some tools for translation that are available but not limited are:

  • WayGo.
  • iTranslate voice.
  • SayHi.
  • Naver Papago translate.
  • Microsoft Translator.
  • Triplingo.
  • Google Translate (verbale and by way of the camera).
  • Pilot translation kit.
  • WeChat

A word of caution is that not all translation is accurate and dialects can differ from street to street in some countries. One of my favorite apps is Google Translate using the camera that when placed over a foreign written language translates the writings into any language you choose. Several years a go on a trip to Japan I found this tool extremely helpful. For legal and international dealing professional translators must be used and preferably be certified.

While I prefer the world to use one language for economic and communication reasons the data is clear that even though the language pool is shrinking the various cultures still love their native languages as part of their culture and should be celebrated.

January 2022 “Change and the Unknown”

As we start the New Year we look forward to new beginnings or not, depending on your life situation; however, change is inevitable, and the unknown does exist. Unless you have a special crystal ball that no one else on the planet has.

As for the economy, in normal times January usually sets the pace for the rest of the year, but we aren’t in normal times. My parents use to tell me that back in their day they could plan with a certain amount of certainty but as time moves on and technology increases what once took days or weeks now takes minutes or seconds.

What about the talk about robotics taking over work that is normally accomplished by humans??? That is a ridiculous statement since automation has been with us since the beginning of time it has just exponentially expanded due to necessity on a multitude of levels.

Our geopolitical world that we live in is in a state of flux with those wanting to erase the past and create a new reality and those wanting to hold on to a coulter that is familiar and represents stability and those forces with their own agenda and control (the grass isn’t always greener on the other side!).

So how do we move forward with our businesses in this hyper changing world? How do we either maintain and or grow with less resources in both materials and human assets? Part of the answer is personal responsibility by getting involved in your community and government. In many cases if not most government is not the answer but they should be a trusted partner. We need to encourage entrepreneurial-ship, vocational training, and reduces regulations.

For those business ever so small to the mid-size and above “must” offer internships and apprentice programs. Apprentice programs have been around since the dawn of time but have been dwindling with an over reliance on the educational system to produce the workers of today and tomorrow.

Creating and or reviewing your business plan optimized for the environment that we find ourselves in with a five-year projection with growth in mind is a key. Ask an outsider for whom you trust to come and look at how easy it would be for them to run your operation without knowing anything. This will give you a look are how complicated or how simple your operation is to manage. The more complicated the more room for mistakes and loss of revenue as well as it being harder to train that new apprentice or intern that you hired.

Review your systems and processes to see where automation can be of benefit, not just in the shop or plant floor but in the office as well. Automation will march forward with or without you, stay competitive.

Your New Years resolution needs to be “Change the Unknown” drive your path forward before someone else drives it for you!

“Showing Friendship Through Body Language” December 2021

As we approach our holiday season we gather, celebrate, and commune enjoying family and friends and work to escape the noise of everyday life and pressures. Making friends and remembering family is the key to the season. This might at first seem to be out of place for a business newsletter; however, business is a relationship business.

With the above being said finding a friend is often a mysterious process that seems to happen almost as if by magic. You meet them, see them in different situations, and somehow you end up being lifelong friends. Sometimes you can foster friendships and help to sustain it by using trust, commonality, and good body language.

When you are open to a friendship, you might indicate that by showing an open palm and not crossing any of your appendages. It is always important to maintain good eye contact with someone you are being friendly with. Just don’t stare at them, that would be a bit creepy!

In fact, you can be attentive to a person by focusing on that person with your ears, your eyes, and your body. You can also show them your feelings through your body language. You can project interest in them by tilting your head when they speak. Look at them in an alert and interested way.

Sometimes, just by spending time with a person, you are automatically giving them body language cues that you are willing to be friends. By showing signs that you are listening to them you will have a better chance at friendship.

Once you have established something of a friendship through body language and conversation, you can allow yourself to get even closer to your new friend.
Empathy is an important aspect of friendship. If your friend can’t identify with your feelings, you might not feel that they’re very valuable as a friend. To have this value, you need to show empathy in your body language.

You can do this by leaning in when the person is speaking of matters of importance to them. Show your emotions through your body language. Laugh, smile, cry, or touch when it seems right. Hug them if it seems comfortable (and acceptable) but follow their body language cues to determine if it makes them feel anxious.

If you have made a friend, there will be two people that will grow their life experience and find comfort that most humans look for. Yet, you can never neglect your friendship and assume it will always be the same. It’s up to you to send your friend the right body language signals to let them know they are still appreciated and cared for.

In studies, it has been shown that kids with learning disabilities have a hard time maintaining friendships. They can make friends easily. Yet, when the friend interacts with them on a daily basis, they have trouble understanding the friend’s body language. This leads to hurt feelings and ultimately to a loss of the friendship. If you are to avoid this pitfall, you must pay attention to your friend’s body language and read it correctly.

Body language can help you make a friend and help you to understand your friend better. By knowing about body language, you can use it to help you maintain a good relationship.

Knowing body language and using it can be the difference between having an acquaintance and truly having a friend.

“A friend is someone who helps you up when you’re down, and if they can’t, they lay down beside you and listen.” — Winnie the Pooh

Successful business build leaders not robots or puppets.

“Transactional Leadership” November 2021

Leadership style plays a crucial role in the development of an organization. Transactional leadership is of the leadership style that is often used by many companies. Transactional leadership believes that punishment and reward motivate people.

This leadership also assumes that when people agree to do a particular assignment, a part of that agreement is that they give up all authority to their boss. The leader holds control and power over the subordinates. The main goal of the employee is to obey the orders of their managers.

The idea is that when a subordinate takes up a job, he or she agrees to obey their manager totally. The ‘transaction’ is the money or any other award that the company pays to its subordinates for their compliance and effort. The relationship between the subordinate and the leader becomes transactional. In transactional leadership the leader has the right to punish his or her subordinates if their performance is not according to the predetermined standard.

Transactional leadership makes clear that what is required and expected from their subordinates. It also mentions that subordinates will get an award if they follow the orders seriously. Sometimes punishments are not mentioned but they are understood. In the early stages of transactional leadership, subordinate is in the process of negotiating the contract. The contract specifies fixed salary and the benefits that will be given to the subordinate. Rewards are given to subordinates for applied effort. Some organization use incentives to encourage their subordinates for greater productivity. Transactional leadership is a way of increasing the performance of its subordinates by giving them rewards. Transactional leadership is also called as ‘true leadership style as it focuses on short term goals instead of long-term goals.

In Transactional leadership, when the leader assigns work to its subordinates, then it is the responsibility of the subordinate to see that the assigned task is finished on time. If the assigned task is not completed on time or if something, then punishment is given for their failure. But if they accomplish the task in time then the subordinates are given reward for successfully completing the task. Subordinates are also given award and praised for exceeding expectations. A subordinate whose performance is below expectation is punished and some action is taken to increase his or her performance.

Transactional leadership has more of a ‘telling style’. Transactional leadership is based on the fact that reward or punishment is dependent on the performance. Even though researchers have highlighted its limitations, transactional leadership is still used by many employers. More and more companies are adopting transactional leadership to increase the performance of its employees. This approach is prevalent in real workplace.

The main limitation of this leadership is that it assumes that people are largely motivated by simple rewards. Under transactional leadership, employees can’t do much to improve job satisfaction. Transaction leadership has been ineffective in providing skilled employees to their organization. This style of leadership is least interested in changing the work environment.

Experts do not recommend this approach. Transactional leadership focuses more on management of punishments and rewards. The major downside to transactional leadership is the it leads to employee turn over which is costly as well as low morale.

Build individual talent brings its own rewards. Its up to a leader to foster that talent by being a mentor and helping to guide the process. Letting people fail when you as the leader had the ability to step in make the leader not a leader in every sense of the word.

Successful business build leaders not robots or puppets.

October 2021 “To Delegate”

We can’t do it all in business or life in general so we must delegate tasks and or action to move the business agenda forward. Wikipedia defines delegation as: “The assignment of authority to another person to carry out specific activities. It is the process of distributing and entrusting work to another person. Delegation is one of the core concepts of management leadership.”

Delegating is probably one of the most mishandled forms of communication in business. Delegation has two parts to it, to delegate and to follow-up. A majority of the time the second part is generally not done or in a timely manner.

Typically, an order is barked out verbally and not written down then forgotten or an email was sent and then lost in the minutiae of the day with the thousands of other emails received.

There are simple tools that can be incorporated into your daily life to improve efficiencies and reduce your stress in a simple way:

  • Old school “Avoid Verbal Orders” (AVO’s) a two-part written form given to the person you are tasking that states what is to be done and when it is to be done by then keeping a copy for your recorders to follow-up with.
  • Using a built-in task manager such as Outlook where a task can be assigned with a due date.
  • The incorporation of an excel spreadsheet that may list several tasks to one person or to a group, listing the tasks, issue date, and a required completion date.
  • Specialized task management software (there are many) with the following attributes:
    • Project Management.
    • Team Collaboration.
    • Individual workload Management.
    • Time Tracking.
    • Client Permission Management.
    • Third Party Integration.
    • Team Chat.
    • Gantt Charts.

An effective method for moving agenda’s forward and to manage tasks on a professional manner is to have frequent staff and or team meetings that review the goals and tasks to verify their progression as well as their current validity. This helps the communication process and guards against “gotchas” that nobody wants if they are truly authentic in their agendas.

We delegate on a daily basis, whether we know it or not. By professionalizing the process there is a high likelihood that this skill may spill over into your personal life and help to reduce miscommunication that may lead to senseless arguments and animosity that does no one any good.

As I have countlessly said “we are all in the communication business”. If we can’t communicate effectively, business can’t be successful and grow.

September 2021 “When and How to Use Direct Contact for Reaching Out to Potential Clients”

Many freelancers and service providers market in broad strokes, hoping to catch the attention of a large number of people and praying that several of them will be motivated enough to actually give their services a try.

However, in order to get clients, you usually have to answer their unspoken question, “What’s in it for me?” This might require more direct input, helping you forge connections with potential clients. Through developing a relationship with them, they are much more likely to be willing to give you a try. If they give your business a try and like you, this could be the beginning of their becoming loyal to your brand.

There are several ways to use direct contact to connect with prospective customers. Here are just a few suggestions.

Your Customer Service Box

Pay attention to the people who contact you directly, treating every one of them like a prospect. Be polite and courteous. Set up a reminder for yourself, or your assistant, to contact them again in a week to see if they have any further questions. This kind of follow-up will stand out in their mind.

Face to Face

Carry business cards (I use to not do this) with you everywhere. Take business cards from others as well. Write notes on the back as to what your follow-up steps should be. Sticky notes and a pen will also work to remind you of the person’s contact details and the information you promised to send, such as a special cheat sheet or handout. Always position yourself as a problem solver.

You can meet prospects anywhere, including standing in line for coffee, so pay attention to your appearance (80% of the sale) even if you work from home and are just popping out for a few minutes to grab a latte. If you live in a large city, there are often industry-related networking events. The local Chamber of Commerce will also usually have a calendar of live events (one of the best resources you can find). They are always looking for interesting speakers as well, so if you have a hot topic within your niche, don’t be afraid to offer your time. You’ll get plenty of free publicity in exchange.

Trade shows and conferences are ideal places to meet clients and mingle with important people in your niche or industry. Even getting just a small booth gives you (and your staff) the chance to get walk-by traffic and increase your visibility. Remember, people do business with people they like, so be personable and sincere.

On the Phone

Some people still prefer the old-fashioned telephone. If they leave a message, be sure to phone them back in a timely manner. Telemarketing can also be very challenging do to the overload of spam calling.

Social Media

Pay attention to the people who like, comment and share regularly. If they are connected with you, you should be able to contact them via Messenger or other direct means of contact to say you’ve noticed them, appreciate them following you, and would like to know if you can help them in some way. Also, catchy short (30 seconds) entertaining video’s showcasing your products and services can get you notices but be creative.

Email Marketing

Take advantage of your email marketing lists by sending out useful newsletters once a month (kind of like this one), with special offers and the latest news – such as new services you are offering. Of course, you have to get them on the list first, so be sure to offer a free eCourse or eBook that helps solve a common problem in your niche. When you connect with people on social media, you can also give them the landing page for the free item and invite them to check it out.

Personalize your approach in getting new clients using these ideas, and you will find more people who will be willing to give you a try. Continuous self-improvement is the key to success in anything that you set your mind to.

August 2021 “How to Speak to Someone You Don’t Know”

Have you ever found yourself visiting a business establishment where the customer service was less than professional or simply out right rude and disrespectful? Unfortunately, this is more commonplace than you may think. Social norms and mutual respect has been deteriorating for years and has become acceptable in our society.

Those business owners that can see this trend and provide a “cut above” service will win the day and hopefully send a strong positive message to our society. It may not just be the pressures of life or the breakdown of society that is the cause (cell phones and social media has not been the best in keeping things civil).

Many people simply find it uncomfortable to talk in front of people who they simply don’t know. Some people find a difficult audience to be someone who they know because they may be judged in a more hurtful and critical manner due to familiarity. For those who speak or give a sales pitch in front of others that they are not familiar with often give a better presentation. It’s the notion that you don’t know these people and you could care less of what they think of you motivating you to develop and deliver a good presentation. Some find it a blessing to speak to someone who you have never met or know well which defies common sense.

The first thing that you should keep in mind is to check your baggage at the door. Whatever issues are going on in your life they are your issues and not anyone else’s issues, they have their own to deal with. Get comfortable with the other person and try to learn a little bit about that person. This way you can reduce the stress and pressure of the encounter that typically add roadblocks in communicating.

Being comfortable and fostering two-way communication is the key to disseminating information and idea that will build trust. Before you know it, you’ll provide the necessary information into the conversation providing the level of service that is anticipated and will bond the two of you. Maintaining mutual attention and engagement is the key to a satisfied customer. You will want to think about communication tools that you may want to use to break the ice, the best is to be cognizant of your tone. attitude and always speak with a smile; stay away from jokes at all costs.

If you are paying attention and providing great service, you will know what someone is thinking about you and your performance before you even ask. In fact if you read their body language you will be able to tell right away. If you notice that they are getting tired of talking, you may want to give them a chance by asking them what they think. You may also want to pick up on cue signs. When you begin to drag things into tiny details, you will see it on their face; use their body signs as cues to gage if you are giving the correct information and the appropriate level of service.

There are many other tools that you may use regardless if you know the person or not. The basis that you will need to focus on is creating and keeping the bond with the person that will help and enhance your communication and customer satisfaction. The key is to stay calm before and during the entire presentation. Breathing techniques can be of a great help to keep you calm, focused, and stress free. You will want to experiment and find out what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. There are many ways that you can keep your cool throughout your presentation, or sales pitch, being confident in your materials is extremely important.

When it comes to delivering the presentation, if you make any mistakes, they probably will not notice unless you bring it to their attention. When you make a mistake, take it with stride and move on, don’t try to correct what you just said. It was once said to me from a wise mentor “no one knows what you are going to say but you”.

Be calm, leave your baggage at the door, breath, put a smile on your face when talking and be kind no matter what!

July 2021 “Methods of Learning to Remember Names and Faces”

When you can remember someone’s name, it shows them that they are important to you, but how to get good at it?

You may think that learning someone’s name can be hard, but it’s really not when you take the time to follow some of the tricks. You will want to think about the reasons why you may forget someone’s face and name first. It may be years ago that you last saw the person and people change quickly in their appearance. You may find that it is just stress that you are under and if you eliminate some of your stress, then you’ll be able to obtain a good memory. You may also find that it is just because you are faint in age (not generally the case). However, the reason why you may forget someone’s face is not as important as it is to how you can try to remember a person’s name and face.

  • The first step is that you will want to repeat their name during the introduction. You should then say the person’s name at least seven to ten times in your head.
  • Saying the person’s name at least seven to ten times in your head via repetition will help you remember. Do not feel bad if you can’t remember their last name. Not only will repeating the name help you remember, but also you may want to link the first letter of the name with an object. Like Barb and Bird will help you to associate the name to something and you are more likely to write. This is called mnemonics, work association.
  • However, you could always write it down if it is convenient. You will find that if you then were to review the note regularly you will be able to remember a lot more. There are a lot of tips like this that you could do, but it doesn’t seem practical.
  • You should also learn someone’s name by looking at him or her long enough. When you look at someone there are going to be memories that come to life and then all of a sudden you will find something will give you the name. This is more likely for those who were close friends years ago, but then grew apart. This is a great trick to keep in mind if you are going to your high school reunion or such.
  • You may also find that it could be helpful when you try to remember their initials. Once you have their initials you will be able to figure out their name by elimination (another version of mnemonics). You will find that your memory will come back very quickly.
  • Ask to have the name spelled or repeated, especially if it is unusual.
  • Repeat the name during your conversation, and when saying goodbye.
  • When it comes to reunions you will want to pull out that yearbook and try to make a name with the face without looking. For those who you do not get right, you will want to consider studying for a little bit and then digging out some of the old memorabilia so that you can come up with more memories. You may also want to try to make an educated guess. Most of the time you will be right, however, there are times when you won’t be right at all.
  • There are some things that you do not want to do as well.

  • First, you do not want to ask for someone’s name twice or ask him or her to describe who they were. This is rude to begin with, but it will also hurt their feelings that you do not remember them.
  • Lastly, you do not ever want to refer to someone as “what’s their name” because it is dis-respective. If you can’t think of the name, say nothing or you may want to say something like “we”, instead of going into details. The key is to know what to say to someone who you think you know but cannot remember.
  • In business

  • Always wright something about your encounter on the back of business cards received to remind you of the meeting.
  • Degrees of success in life and in business can be directly related to your ability to remember someone’s name. There is even a myth from ancient times that remembering someone’s name was reserved for only the Gods. Take the last statement for what’s is worth, but we all are impressed by that person who is good with names.

    June 2021 “Key Mistakes to Avoid in Making Organizational Changes”

    Globalization and technical advancements have made it mandatory for almost all organizations to make changes in their organization, in one way or the other. Experiences of such organizational changes serve as interesting key points to know while implementing such changes in another organization, experience matters. Here is a compilation of some of the key mistakes that should be avoided while implementing a change in an organization.

  • Not Implementing a Task Force: It is advisable to form a task force dedicated to the implementation and introduction of a change to key stakeholders. Not doing so puts more unnecessary responsibility on key drivers of the change. Many times, it is seen that the key people responsible for the change do not consult or take the senior management into confidence. This increases the probability of conflict of interests and confusion in the higher management and affects the health of the organization in the long run. The task force formed or the team responsible for the implementation and introduction of change should be comprised of influential leaders or members. These members should exhibit strong and efficient relationship management competencies along with superior task management skills. This task force would be responsible for encouraging the employees at every level to embrace the change. Apart from the ability to convince employees of all ranks about the benefits of a change, it is important to remain focused about the prosperous goals of the organization and working towards its realization.
  • Assuming Responses will Remain Consistent Overall: With the introduction of change, at least some if not all employees are bound to react with resistance or fear. It is a common assumption that everyone in an organization feels the same about a change in the organization. On the contrary different employees in an organization feel differently about a proposed change. For example, top management is usually content with the introduction of newer automatic machinery, the shop floor staff may not be open to the idea because of the fear of being replaced by modern machines, this is understandable.
  • Not Allowing Knowledge To Change Into Actions: Many organizations assume that by giving knowledge alone, the actions of employees can be changed to be proactive towards the change. Some of the major techniques used by organizations to provide change related knowledge to its employees are training sessions, mass gatherings to give knowledge and computer-based communication techniques. These exercises may provide knowledge but would not always change that knowledge into the required actions and behavior. Using methods like regular feedback sessions or question-answer based communication would help transform the knowledge conveyed into positive actions and behavior towards the change.
  • Not Sticking To The Vision: A common mistake done by an organization is not sticking to the vision that is communicated by the organization to the employees. Sometimes even when there is a proper definition of the vision that an organization is going to implement, it gets sidetracked from its goal. This calls for an immediate need for an inventory check for the proper implementation of the required change in the organization.
  • Failing to Plan Small Successive Successes: Many organizations target long term changes and do not bother about short term, easily manageable changes. Short term changes are an excellent choice for implementing changes in an organization because they offer less risk and lesser, mostly recoverable cost when implied.
  • Listen: One of the biggest stumbling blocks for businesses and people in general is not listening. Listening to your employees and stakeholders alike. More often they have valuable information to share that can be most useful in reaching the goals and objectives of the organization.
  • These steps will let you implement an efficient change in your organization with a high success rate.

    May 2021 “Self-Confidence”

    Five methods of how to act and be self-confident. There are many reasons why people need to have self-confidence; however, making sure that you show your self-confidence when you go to that job interview, selling to customers, and so on is the key to your success. You will want to think about what you will need to truly understand the product, the needs of the customer or the jib position to personally believe and never fake it. Even if you do not feel like you are going to make the sell or feel like you are going to get the job, you still must walk in the room like you own it.

    When it comes to thinking that you may have to fake self-confidence, think twice. There are many things that you can do to overcome this, so that you feel more like you really do have the confidents.

  • The first thing that you will want to do is act with confidence by raising your head high and walking with a stride. You must make sure that you don’t stick your nose too high, or you will end up looking like you are snobby, and no one will take your advice to buy or higher you. You need to walk the walk, but can you talk the talk?
  • Confident people do not say fillers like “umm.” You need to learn how to think on your feet. You will want to take into consideration that when you learn how to quickly think on your feet, the words will simply just pour out of your mouth. Be careful not to ramble on and on and really say nothing, the interviewer or the customer will discount you in a heartbeat. This is a great way to show others that you are confident, by remembering, less is more. You will want to make sure that you keep yourself in line when it comes to the speaking aspect, always on subject.
  • Also, think about your non-verbal skills. Facial expressions will give you away almost 100% of the time, so stay engaged and attentive. You will soon find out that there are a lot of people who will judge you because of what you are wearing or not wearing. You will want to make sure that you dress appropriately. You do not want to show off more of you than you need to. Keep in mind that there is appropriate attire for the nightlife and appropriate attire for the job. Make sure that you check yourself at the door before you go to that interview, greet a customer, or go to a meeting.
  • Think about the cues that you are giving off. You will want to lean into the interviewer or the customer keeping your appropriate distance of course, if your excited about getting the job or making that sale. You may also want to sit back like there is nothing to worry about when you are making a sell or made your point. You will want to make sure that you try and consider all of your body language that you exhibit by practicing in-front of a mirror so that you can work on yourself image and that will help your self-confidence.
  • Finally, improving your self-confidence by working hard to get the proper education that you will need for that job or simply to build your confidence in want you are trying to sell or for that position you are trying for will make you feel good about yourself that will lead to your self-confidence. When you get the proper education, you will feel confident through the power of knowledge. You will want to make sure that you try to deal with all your education needs so that you become the “know it all” (without showing it) at work and see all the advancements that you can get from being a well-educated person.
  • Allawos & Company has helped countless individuals and companies alike reach their goals and discover new potential.