Author Archives: adminalla

December 2022 “Identifying The Best Time to Change”

Perfect timing foe a newsletter subject right at the end of one year and the begging of another. A high concentration of homogeneous players operating in a single market leads to elevated consumer satisfaction levels and the inability of a company to provide a consumer with preferred services and products which leads to consumer switching.

To avoid such disastrous consequences and remain in competition, many companies would resort to different means of change. There could be a change in management techniques, machinery, production techniques or salary structure among others.

So, when is the best time to implement a change? – The best time to implement a change would ideally be when it is not needed. It is universally acknowledged that a change arising out of an urgent need is very hard to implement owing to the lack of time and dearth of efficient research which goes in choosing the structure of a change. Also, during an urgent need, an organization is unable to give the necessary time to its employees to be prepared for the change. All these reasons require the need to know the best time to change.

If an organization wants to implement a change, a pre-planned and systematic approach towards a change is very much needed. Consider the case of an organization that has to implement an extensive employee database. Let’s assume that such a database is made mandatory by a court order that states many workers working in the nearby companies are responsible for a high number of community crimes in the area. Such database would require a lot of planning for proper implementation. Many considerations like the choice between computerized or paper database, the person responsible for the records and their maintenance, official documents needed from an employee for proper verification etc. should be made. It is easier to do all these things if the planning for such change had already been done when the organization started its hiring procedure.
There are two methods to implement changes namely, long term solutions and short-term fixes. Long term changes are often initiated at one time whereas short term fixes are continuous and recursive. Normally when long term solutions are prescribed, it has been seen that nothing was changing in the company for some time and suddenly a big significant change is implied to the organization. Evidently such changes are often resisted by various stakeholder including employees and the timing of such changes need to be carefully thought out, to avoid a confrontation. Ideally a proper time frame should be put forward whereby old structures are dismantled, and the new change is brought forward.

Short term fixes on the other hand are very minimalist in nature and are easily accepted by employees. Such fixes are a lot easier to implement because of their relatively insignificant impact (or not). If properly planned on constructive foundation, short term fixes could lead to excellent long-term benefits. Timing for such changes can mostly be left on the discretion of the management.

Irrespective what change you plan to bring in or the modality of the change that you propose, it is always best to implement a change at a time when significant window period is available, to properly plan and create interest in the implementation of the change.

Change for change’s sake is not a good thing; however, change for growth is the best approach. A teaming approach with your employees and a strategic plan and or a business plan is the most advisable along with proper execution of those plans.

November 2022 “Detecting Truth Inhibited Individuals”

Everyone wants to know whether they are being told the truth or being sold a bill of goods. Life is way too confusing and short to deal with this nonsense. Sometimes, though, there may be reasons why you don’t want to give away your every thought. Either way, it’s good to know about the body language of lying.

When a person lies, they generally feel uncomfortable about it (generally). They will usually display some gestures that conflict with the words they are saying. Some of these might be hand-to-face movements. They will often touch their hand to their eye, ear, or mouth.

Eye movement can also be a kind of body language that shows when people lie. If they are talking about the past, they look up and left. If they are talking of the future, they look up and right. If they’re looking towards the past, they’re remembering. If they’re looking towards the future with their body language, they’re coming up with a lie.

People who are concerned with their lying will try to act out the part. They will memorize where to look when they talk. They will try not to touch their faces. They will try to look you right in the eye. They will try to monitor all their body language to suit their deception.

A person who lies habitually, on the other hand, will seem normal in every way. This person no longer feels anything about lying, good or bad. A person like this will feel no need to suppress body language because his/her body language only shows how comfortable he/she is.

Also, a salesperson who speaks fast may appear dishonest because that’s what people have come to believe but may just be very conscious of time management. Actually, when people speak extra slowly, with many long pauses, it is more often an indicator of deceit. This form of body language includes both pauses and speech errors.

Any touching or the slightest rubbing of the nose is considered by some as a surefire way to tell that someone is lying. Certainly, it can be. On the other hand, the person may just have a skin condition that affects the skin of their nose. Their nose might itch, or they may have a cold. It doesn’t pay to jump to conclusions about body language.

If someone hides their lies easily, they can still be found out by their micro-gestures. These are smaller movements of body language, or facial expressions that exhibit an emotion. A liar might wrinkle up the nose, as if in disgust.

This is a small gesture, however, and may be missed. Another micro-gesture is when the person curls down the corners of the mouth. These kinds of body languages show a lie as surely as more obvious signals do if you only know how to look for them.

Poker players engage in a type of lying called the bluff. Players make a science out of figuring out the other players’ “tells.” These are slight micro-gestures the players will make when they have a good or bad hand. The gestures are usually unique to each individual player, and it takes an acute study to know your opponent. These players are highly in tune with each other’s body language.

Most people will tell a harmless lie from time to time. Most people, about 75 % of survey respondents told zero to two lies per day. Lying comprised 7 % of total communication and almost 90 % of all lies were little white lies.

Body language can be used to determine if you or someone else is really telling the truth. Time is to short why bother??

October 2022 “Charismatic Leaders”

I thought that with the upcoming elections cycle this newsletter highlighting “Charismatic Leaders” would be most appropriate but not just for politics sake but as a view into the business world and how it can apply.

Alexander the great crossed the unconquerable Alps Mountain along with his soldiers, which until then no one had conquered. What was it that led their followers to believe in them that they did the unthinkable? These leaders, charismatic indeed, had won the trust of their followers to such an extent that the followers believed in every word, action and deed of their leader.

What is charismatic leadership all about? It is the magnetic personality of the leader, which attracts peoples’ mind, body and soul. These people are willingly to accept their leader’s authority and are ready to lay down even their life for the pleasure of their beloved master.

Charismatic leadership is a trait, and the charismatic leaders constantly hone their skills to win their followers’ loyalty. Charismatic leaders constantly device strategies and keep on innovating themselves so that their followers are always with them. Charismatic leaders first try to understand the environment in which they are working. They give a great deal of importance to peoples’ moods and sentiments and try to associate with them personally. They exhibit tremendous and deep faith in their followers. They enchant their followers’ heart by their wit and charm. Charismatic leadership is not only about using words to impress the followers; it is also about conveying the right message to the followers with effective body language.

Charismatic leadership is also about creating a unique identity of the group, which is very distinct from the other groups. The leaders create a distinct image of the group in the minds of the followers so that the followers can easily identify themselves with the group (mirroring), which in turn gives the followers a sense of belongingness. The charismatic leader has tremendous self-belief; they always walk the talk, has patience, and exhibit tremendous determination. They have high risk-taking capability. They are ready to give up conventional ideas and willingly go for an unconventional way to achieve the desired result; most of the time excellence is the outcome.

Not everything about a charismatic leadership is fascinating. It has some darker side too. What if a charismatic leader starts believing that he or she are infallible? What if they start using their charisma to ruin the minds of others? Leaders like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini have used their charisma to fulfill their sinister motives and had created chaos in their society. These leaders sometimes become addicted to glorification and do not tolerate any kind of criticism. They generally refrain from grooming others for leadership, as they do not want anyone to question their authority or competition, this can happen at all levels of government and business when the wrong leader is empowered.

In spite of some ill effects, a charismatic leader not only transforms the society but also provides a new meaning to human civilization. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa are some of the charismatic leaders who have influenced and have change society in immeasurable ways.

Are you a charismatic leader, and do you recognize the great power and responsibility that comes with the talent? It’s a balancing act but the true at heart are for the betterment of government, business and society as a whole.

September 2022 “Using Body Language in a Job Interview”

In this complex and challenging world with supply chain and work force shortages it’s also rarely easy to find that dream job in the career of your choice. Having a good resume that has all the right attributes that passes the filters that can get you in the door and encourage the prospective employer to meet with you is the goal.

They’ll want to discuss your future with their organization and how you would fit in; however, poor use of body language may cause you to lose your job opportunity just when you thought you’d won it.

The interviewer doesn’t say, “I want a person who can use body language”, at least that’s not their first consideration. They are more than likely looking for a person who is honest, confident, and has other qualities that will help them succeed in their organization.

The body language simply shows the interviewer if you have those qualities. Your job during the interview is to give yourself a fair shake and perhaps an advantage. It’s important to display all of your quality attributes with your body language so that the interviewer will understand what a good team member you will be.

This should start before you even walk in the door. You need to practice in front of a mirror or videotape yourself in a role-playing situation of a job interview. Study your body language to find meanings you don’t intend to display. Then, be sure to be on time for the interview.

From the time you enter the office, someone may be noticing your body language. If you have to wait in a reception area, it’s best not to fiddle with notes that you may have brought with you. Instead, casually look through magazines or brochures to pass the time. Your body language will denote ease and confidence.

When someone comes to tell you it’s time to go in for the interview, enter the room as if you did it every day. Stride in with your head held high and your body moving with ease and assurance. Don’t be apologetic by your body language about the way you do it.

Before you start the interview, you should shake the interviewer’s hand. Give a firm, but not overpowering, handshake. Always shake hands with your palm up. If your palm is down, it will imply that you are dominant. The interviewer will not be happy with this. Say your name so the interviewer will identify you with it.

Sit in the seat offered. If it is left up to you, sit in a seat beside or across from the interviewer so they will benefit from your use of body language. Try to determine how close the person is comfortable with you being near them. This is often obvious because of the arrangement of the furniture.

Try to avoid unacceptable body language. If you cross your arms across your chest, the interviewer will think you are being defensive. If you rub your nose, you might be seen as being dishonest. If you put your hands in your pockets, you may be judged as someone who is ill-at-ease or even someone with something to hide. Above all, maintain eye to eye contact. These are types of body language you can easily get away from.

There is much to be learned about the body language for a job interview. There are many websites to find more information on the use of body language. Forbes has one such page The Power Of Body Language In The Workplace ( The Wall Street Journal devotes a webpage to it as well

The more you know about body language, the closer you are to getting that job in the career that you are passionate about.

August 2022 “Advertising to Attract Clients”

Attracting and retaining clients is becoming an increasingly difficult task in the current environment that we find ourselves in. The big issue is can “I” afford to advertise, and can the client afford to patron by business? Inflation is at an all-time high and uncertainties are abound.

If you have started your own business, you will need a continual stream of clients willing to give you a try, and happy clients willing to give you word-of-mouth marketing – for example, on the social networks. One way to drum up business is to advertise. However, since ads cost money, you need to develop a strategy that will give you the most bang for your budget.

Determine Your Specialty

Freelancers and service providers usually do best when they specialize in a particular area, such as finance or self-help. Decide which niche or industry best suits your talents and interests. Create a portfolio that showcases the work you have done in these areas. This also applies to retail outlets.

Determine Your Services

What do business owners in that niche or industry need most? Make a list of services you can perform well (core competencies) that will not over task and or stretch your staff’s abilities and managers and executives’ ability to manage.

Identify Your Target Audience

Who is most likely to buy from you? Where do they spend their time? How old are they? What are their interests? By creating a profile of your ideal customer, you can start to focus your ads with a greater accuracy. A very cleaver shop owner that was in business for many years would keep a data sheet on their customers looking for trends and to make the next visit a more personal one building a report and confidence.

Determine Which Ad Networks and Formats Will Work Best for You

Many businesses run ads through Google AdWords in an effort to compete in the search engines in relation to certain keywords. This is one way to drive traffic with paid ads, but the Google system can be complicated to learn and expensive to compete in. Their “quality score” is a mystery to most users, but it is one of the main determinants as to whether your ad will ever even run, and what placement it will get if any.

Social media sites now have a range of advertising opportunities that are generally easier to set up than Google AdWords and are better targeted too. They also tend not to have lots of mysterious rules. This means more visibility and clicks, for less money.

Facebook and Instagram will allow you to run ads with an image. Come up with a great headline and a link to your Facebook or Instagram account page, and you will get a good deal of traffic because you are not sending them off site. Make sure your home page has lots of interesting information about you. Include a link to your portfolio, and on your portfolio, details about your services. Linking straight to your service page is not a good idea in this case.

Twitter has a similar set of ad choices to Facebook, allowing you to promote one single post, or your entire account in order to get more followers. The best thing about Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is that you can be a great deal more precise about who you want to target. If you wish to find an audience of men or women 35 to 45 who are interested in computers, for example, all you have to do is set those parameters and your ad will show only to those people.

LinkedIn also has opportunities for professionals to connect with their target audience. Again, you need to create an eye-catching ad and send them to a page that offers them useful information, not just a sales pitch.

The LinkedIn Pro service will also allow you to see jobs related to keywords you choose, but you need to be quick. They only accept five quotes for each assignment, and most assignments listings tend to expire within 24 hours. Showing them your portfolio, rather than your rate card, is the best way to generate more interest in your services.

A point to keep in mind when promoting your company and or product, keep it short, on target, and fun to watch and or read. Within 3 seconds or less the viewer decides weather they will take an interest in what you have to say.

Ads cost money, but the right ad can make a big difference to the number of clients you get. Find out as much as you can about the most popular social network(s) for clients in your niche and focus your advertising on that to start with.

In a tough economy most business reduce their advertising and or marketing budget. Stay positive and increase your marketing efforts and capture the business that others may throw away when they reduce their marking efforts and focus.

July 2022 “Leadership Styles”

Leadership style is an approach of giving direction, motivating people, and implementing plans. As there are many leaders, there are different leadership styles. A good leader uses the right leadership style according to the situation. Whatever may be the situation, bad leaders tend to use only one style. The following are the different leadership styles:

Authoritarian Leadership Style: Here the leader informs the employees that what they should do and how should they accomplish the task. The leader does not take the advice of the employees while giving orders. You can use this strategy when you know exactly how to solve the problem. You can also use this strategy when you have less time to complete the tasks and the employees are motivated. Some leaders think that shouting at employees, using abusive and threatening language is authoritarian style. This is totally wrong. Yelling at the employees is an unprofessional and abusive style and is often referred to as bossing people around. This kind of style has no place in a friendly working environment. Authoritarian style should not be used frequently. It should be used on exceptional or uncommon occasions. If this style is to be used, communicating ahead of time with employees as to what is to be expected would be a wise move.

Participative Leadership Style: Here the leader and one or two employees are involved in decision-making process. The decision-making process includes how to accomplish a given task. People think if a company is using this style, then it is an indication of weakness. On the contrary using this style is an indication of strength. This style is used when you (the leader) have incomplete information and the employees have accurate and complete information. That is why companies using this style employ highly skilled and knowledgeable employees. If you as a leader use this style, then you will be able to make faster and better decision with full buy-in.

Delegative Leadership Style: Here the employees are free to make their own decisions to accomplish the given task(s). The leader gives permission to the employees to make their own decisions. The leader is held responsible if the employee makes any wrong decisions. This style is used in companies where employees are highly knowledgeable and have the confidence to take correct decisions and trust has been established. The employees should also know how to handle a particular task, what strategies should be used to accomplish a particular task. You should not use this style to blame others when the employees make a wrong decision or analyze a situation incorrectly. This style should be used when you have full confidence and trust in your employees. You (the leader) should use this style wisely. Do not be scared to use it.

Bureaucratic Leadership Style: In this situation leaders work by taking the help of a book. The book contains all the rules and regulations that must be followed by an employee working in a company. This style is appropriate, and you (the leader) should use this style if the employee work involves serious safety risks. If the employee is working with toxic substances or with machinery, then are rules that must be followed by the employee. However, there also needs to be an “escape hatch” meaning approved short cuts that don’t compromise safety in certain circumstances.

Passive Aggressive Leadership Style: This approach is more common than you think. When the leader seems to be not in control and or give tacit orders and the employees really don’t respect or care to follow, then the leader does an about face and aggressively takes control and gives orders. This typically cycles through the process and wears down the company. This is one of the poorest managements styles in existence.

Charismatic Leadership Style: Here the leader tries to inject doses of enthusiasm into the employees in order to increase their performance level. The leader using charismatic style should be energetic and enthusiastic and posses’ true leadership qualities. Being charismatic can be a great attribute in the right person but in the wrong leader with less than noble thoughts and objective and be quite dangerous!

Whichever leadership style is chosen, being honest, ethical, and trustworthy is the sign of long-term success!

June 2022 “Time Travel”

We are all time travels whether we realize it or not. Time happens with or without us no matter how important some folks feel about themselves.

When we were kids growing up, time just sat there and moved so very slow, and it seemed that the next event or the end of school would never get here. We would try and hurry up things like our birthdays saying, “well I am six and a half years old and will be seven soon”. This doesn’t repeat itself until we start to reach our seventies, eighties, or even our nineties when age is worn with a badge of honor and showing your longevity (besides getting a little extra attention is a good thing) and again saying “well I almost eighty” and we have more time on our hands with less demands placed on us.

The point I am trying to make is whether in business or in your personal life its important to drive yourself to accomplish both the little and big tasks and or projects because time will pass regardless, you may as well improve yourself and those around you.

For example:

  • Wash the car in twenty minutes
  • Fix the leaking faucet in a couple of hours
  • Have lunch with an employee that has been having work related issues, an hour
  • The average reader could read a 600-page novel in just over sixteen hours
  • Take that online course and be done in 15 weeks
  • Write a new BLOG post promoting your company, 1 to 2 hours
  • Employee performance review 15 minutes (each)
  • Write that business plan that you’ve been putting off, 4 to 6 weeks
  • As I mentioned above, time passes, we may as well show something for the passage of time because we can never get it back.

    In most cases, the difference between a successful business and people in general is time management and personal drive. Make your lists and post it in an obvious place that you can’t ignore and get it done.

    Its okay to be a couch potato to unwind and get distracted to reset your busy day from time to time but don’t make it a habit its not in your best interests.

    “Better to do today than put off until tomorrow” Benjamin Franklin

    Drive yourself, or someone or something else will drive you!

    May 2022 “Vision”

    What’s Vision and business got to do with it? EVERYTHING!

    Ray Krock one of the early CEOs for McDonalds once said “To be successful, you must be daring, be first and be different”!

    There is a pre-requisite to the above quote, you need to have vision. Vision is like playing 3-dimentional chess with the industry of your choice. Looking past where the industry is now and the logical next steps by skipping over the competition or out thinking the here and now, in short to be a “futuristic”.

    Before you write that business plan that you’ll probably just let sit in your desk draw or in some directory in your computer, run these thoughts through your head:

  • What are my goals?
  • What’s my passion?
  • Is it sustainable?
  • Is it legal? (at least for now)
  • Is it technologically possible?
  • Will the market embrace my vision?
  • Are there tools available for achieving my goal?
  • Am I the creative type? Or do I need a professional?
  • Do I have the band width (time) to see my vision through?
  • Will my competitors be able to duplicate my vision before I enter the market?
  • If so, how long would it take for them to catch up to me?

  • The above list is simply an abbreviated list and could be much more exhaustive, but it’s a start.

    Creativity is by far the most important asset that you can deploy and then a small handful of advisors that will supply honest feedback and a critiquing of your newly formed vision.

    Before you take that next leap into a fully-fledged business plan, a simple business outline would be in order to gather your thoughts as to not to lose the concept of your vision and to memorialize the key points and the mechanics of how to deploy your vision.

    At the top of your business outline there should be a statement that is inspirational and encapsulates your thoughts, ideas, and goals of what the future would look like when you achieve what it is that you set out to do for which you are so passionate about.

    The key to any vision statement, goal, or new venture is the tenacity to stay with you vision and not give up. The difference between those who are successful are those who are not is, that the successful ones don’t give up and re-invent themselves and or their businesses time and time again if the situation warrants it.

    April 2022 “Definition of Leadership”

    The definition of leadership has many aspects with one very special quality that a leader is one whose magnetic personality galvanizes people for some cause. Great leaders influence their followers not just by words but by their actions. They do what they preach.

    They act as a catalyst and their presence is enough to motivate people.

    The key for any leader is to do their best in following the morals of society in which they lead and to remember that morals are based on individual cultures which may differ across the globe.

    It’s often argued that leaders are born they are not made. Sufficient examples can be cited for both arguments. However, history has been a testimony to the fact that several leaders have shown extraordinary leadership capability in later parts of their life. No one can become a leader unless and until they are able to influence others. A leader is one who is able to create a lasting influence in the minds of the people, making them believe in the leader’s vision and convincing them that it’s for their own benefit or the benefit of a greater cause.

    One definition of leadership categorizes a leader as ‘X’ leader if they have an extraordinary personal leadership capability. The ‘X’ leaders have inner instinct to lead. They demonstrate their leadership ability by developing requisite skills and knowledge. They lead from the front and show utmost care for their followers. These leaders also don’t hesitate in admitting their mistakes and learning from it. They constantly keep on innovating themselves. They are open to new challenges and are ready to adopt unconventional approach to achieve their objectives, these leaders also have the ability to take big risks.

    While defining leadership, it’s imperative to understand that a leader is one who is effectively able to communicate with their followers. One definition of leadership defines leaders as natural leaders. These natural leaders are called charismatic leaders. Charismatic leaders have the potential to bring radical changes in the society.

    Leaders need to monitor the environment that they are leading continuously. They can’t just act locally but instead they need to have a broader outlook. They should be very flexible and adaptable. A better leader is one who is able to foresee the future and take steps to deal with it.

    Leaders can be nurtured also. It’s the responsibility for current leaders to groom the future leaders for their organization. Proper training, guidance and responsibility help an individual to emerge as a leader and sometimes out of complete necessity.

    It is often argued that there is not any single definition of leadership. Every leader in the past exhibited some unique trait, which made them the hero of their followers. Consistency of purpose is necessary. A fickle minded leader confuses their followers and takes them nowhere and a true leader should lead a life of discipline and purpose.

    They should act as a catalyst and should not jump to take credit for any success. Once it becomes evident that the leader is motivated by position, fame and money, they lose all credibility and trust of their followers.

    A leader should show the utmost restraint and patience. During adversity, they should create a positive environment around themselves, which will motivate their followers. A leader should not only be a visionary but should also be practical. Leaders should be able to establish a chord, understanding, and trust with their followers for the success of all.

    What kind of leader will you be?

    March 2022 “Necessity of Communication”

    With passing time and increasing competition, an organization, however established it may be, needs to change in order to grow. For an employee, a change could mean different work culture, obsolete technical knowledge, or changing management techniques. Because of such reasons change is not a welcome alternative for many; such cases should be handled with utmost care and careful communication only.

    The role of communication in the success of any business function is a well-documented fact. Its efficacy is ushering change it’s also evident from the fact that often organizations choose people with better communication skills to lead a change initiative, with the hope that they will be able to gain widespread support across the organization.

    Managing change is essentially a methodical approach used for a proper and effective transition of individuals, teams, and organizations from a current undesired state to a desired state in future. Essentially change management comprises of both organizational change management as well as individual change management process if these practices are effectively used, they can lead to a better organization.

    Generally, employees go through three phases before successful implementation of a change is done:

  • Fear – This is usually due to a high level of internal rumors resulting from lack of proper communication from higher level management. A common example can be a fear of job cuts or of increased personnel responsibilities.
  • Frustration – In many organizations, full details about a change are kept confined to the higher management only. Employees could get frustrated by the level of secrecy and may retaliate by showing resistance towards change.
  • Acceptance – This is the final transition towards a change. In given time, employees understand and learn to appreciate the need towards change. This acceptance acts as a final catalyst for an easy and efficient change implementation.
  • To effectively communicate a change, some general guidelines should be followed:

  • Trust: Before undergoing a change, it is of the utmost importance for an organization to inform its employees about the change. Trust is an important factor in asserting that a change is taken with a good attitude. An untrustworthy person, if given the responsibility to convey the change, would create a sense of uneasiness among the employees and can cause loss in productivity and morale which can lead to unnecessary rumors, and a higher attrition rate.
  • Hard Logic: It is a general nature of a human being to be resilient towards change. We search for stability and are happy in such circumstances. Only good communication and a compelling logic would enable an employee to understand the benefits of a change. Seminars, conferences, and general meetings could be conducted to deliver such knowledge.
  • Acknowledge Success: When profits and or good production results from a change, it is necessary for an organization to communicate such laurels to the employees. This could confirm the effectiveness of the change and would ease further problems, if any.
  • Change management processes with efficient and sincere communications can help circumvent all the commotion and make executing changes a quick and hassle-free process.

    The bottom line is responsible, effective, trustworthy leadership which is the key to success.