Allawos & Company

Consulting Services

Corporate development

  • Business plan development, support and oversight
  • Strategic plan development, implementation & advisory
  • New market strategy, planning and exploitation
  • Organizational re-molding and management services
  • Organizational development and consultation
  • Employee survey, coaching and training.
  • Corporate social responsibility & corporate sustainability

Management services

  • Interim Executive/C-level Management
  • Corporate marketing, operations, strategy, strategic development
  • New business segment penetration
  • Executive mentoring

Governmental affairs and advocacy

  • Federal & State Government advocacy support

International business development

  • Assistance in non US firms locating in the US
  • Business partner search
  • Diplomacy assistance

Business and project management oversight and assistance

  • Risk management reviews
  • Consulting assistance on company and project operations,
  • contract administration and task execution
  • P & L review and recovery
  • Government and commercial capture
  • Organization optimization
  • Communication facilitation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Performance evaluation
  • Counseling skills
  • Executive coaching and interim executive management
  • Manufacturing (machine parts, assemblies, capabilities)
  • Quality assurance review and assistance

Business development

  • Proposal development support
  • Capture assistance – Aerospace/Defense, Energy and technology market sectors
  • New market creation & Penetration

Marketing and communications programs

  • Marketing positioning and branding
  • Development and maintenance of marketing/communications programs
  • Marketing campaign development
  • New market creation & penetration

Renewable energy

  • Market trends
  • Various renewable solutions
  • Overcoming barriers to entry
  • Finding strategic partners
  • Testing facilities and procedures

Specialists in the following:

  • Water treatment

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."
- Dr. Napoleon Hill