Allawos & Company


September 2022 “Using Body Language in a Job Interview”

October 17, 2022

In this complex and challenging world with supply chain and work force shortages it’s also rarely easy to find that dream job in the career of your choice. Having a good resume that has all the right attributes that passes the filters that can get you in the door and encourage the prospective employer to meet with you is the goal.

They’ll want to discuss your future with their organization and how you would fit in; however, poor use of body language may cause you to lose your job opportunity just when you thought you’d won it.

The interviewer doesn’t say, “I want a person who can use body language”, at least that’s not their first consideration. They are more than likely looking for a person who is honest, confident, and has other qualities that will help them succeed in their organization.

The body language simply shows the interviewer if you have those qualities. Your job during the interview is to give yourself a fair shake and perhaps an advantage. It’s important to display all of your quality attributes with your body language so that the interviewer will understand what a good team member you will be.

This should start before you even walk in the door. You need to practice in front of a mirror or videotape yourself in a role-playing situation of a job interview. Study your body language to find meanings you don’t intend to display. Then, be sure to be on time for the interview.

From the time you enter the office, someone may be noticing your body language. If you have to wait in a reception area, it’s best not to fiddle with notes that you may have brought with you. Instead, casually look through magazines or brochures to pass the time. Your body language will denote ease and confidence.

When someone comes to tell you it’s time to go in for the interview, enter the room as if you did it every day. Stride in with your head held high and your body moving with ease and assurance. Don’t be apologetic by your body language about the way you do it.

Before you start the interview, you should shake the interviewer’s hand. Give a firm, but not overpowering, handshake. Always shake hands with your palm up. If your palm is down, it will imply that you are dominant. The interviewer will not be happy with this. Say your name so the interviewer will identify you with it.

Sit in the seat offered. If it is left up to you, sit in a seat beside or across from the interviewer so they will benefit from your use of body language. Try to determine how close the person is comfortable with you being near them. This is often obvious because of the arrangement of the furniture.

Try to avoid unacceptable body language. If you cross your arms across your chest, the interviewer will think you are being defensive. If you rub your nose, you might be seen as being dishonest. If you put your hands in your pockets, you may be judged as someone who is ill-at-ease or even someone with something to hide. Above all, maintain eye to eye contact. These are types of body language you can easily get away from.

There is much to be learned about the body language for a job interview. There are many websites to find more information on the use of body language. Forbes has one such page The Power Of Body Language In The Workplace ( The Wall Street Journal devotes a webpage to it as well

The more you know about body language, the closer you are to getting that job in the career that you are passionate about.

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
- Lao-Tze