Leadership style is an approach of giving direction, motivating people, and implementing plans. As there are many leaders, there are different leadership styles. A good leader uses the right leadership style according to the situation. Whatever may be the situation, bad leaders tend to use only one style. The following are the different leadership styles:
Authoritarian Leadership Style: Here the leader informs the employees that what they should do and how should they accomplish the task. The leader does not take the advice of the employees while giving orders. You can use this strategy when you know exactly how to solve the problem. You can also use this strategy when you have less time to complete the tasks and the employees are motivated. Some leaders think that shouting at employees, using abusive and threatening language is authoritarian style. This is totally wrong. Yelling at the employees is an unprofessional and abusive style and is often referred to as bossing people around. This kind of style has no place in a friendly working environment. Authoritarian style should not be used frequently. It should be used on exceptional or uncommon occasions. If this style is to be used, communicating ahead of time with employees as to what is to be expected would be a wise move.
Participative Leadership Style: Here the leader and one or two employees are involved in decision-making process. The decision-making process includes how to accomplish a given task. People think if a company is using this style, then it is an indication of weakness. On the contrary using this style is an indication of strength. This style is used when you (the leader) have incomplete information and the employees have accurate and complete information. That is why companies using this style employ highly skilled and knowledgeable employees. If you as a leader use this style, then you will be able to make faster and better decision with full buy-in.
Delegative Leadership Style: Here the employees are free to make their own decisions to accomplish the given task(s). The leader gives permission to the employees to make their own decisions. The leader is held responsible if the employee makes any wrong decisions. This style is used in companies where employees are highly knowledgeable and have the confidence to take correct decisions and trust has been established. The employees should also know how to handle a particular task, what strategies should be used to accomplish a particular task. You should not use this style to blame others when the employees make a wrong decision or analyze a situation incorrectly. This style should be used when you have full confidence and trust in your employees. You (the leader) should use this style wisely. Do not be scared to use it.
Bureaucratic Leadership Style: In this situation leaders work by taking the help of a book. The book contains all the rules and regulations that must be followed by an employee working in a company. This style is appropriate, and you (the leader) should use this style if the employee work involves serious safety risks. If the employee is working with toxic substances or with machinery, then are rules that must be followed by the employee. However, there also needs to be an “escape hatch” meaning approved short cuts that don’t compromise safety in certain circumstances.
Passive Aggressive Leadership Style: This approach is more common than you think. When the leader seems to be not in control and or give tacit orders and the employees really don’t respect or care to follow, then the leader does an about face and aggressively takes control and gives orders. This typically cycles through the process and wears down the company. This is one of the poorest managements styles in existence.
Charismatic Leadership Style: Here the leader tries to inject doses of enthusiasm into the employees in order to increase their performance level. The leader using charismatic style should be energetic and enthusiastic and posses’ true leadership qualities. Being charismatic can be a great attribute in the right person but in the wrong leader with less than noble thoughts and objective and be quite dangerous!
Whichever leadership style is chosen, being honest, ethical, and trustworthy is the sign of long-term success!