When you can remember someone’s name, it shows them that they are important to you, but how to get good at it?
You may think that learning someone’s name can be hard, but it’s really not when you take the time to follow some of the tricks. You will want to think about the reasons why you may forget someone’s face and name first. It may be years ago that you last saw the person and people change quickly in their appearance. You may find that it is just stress that you are under and if you eliminate some of your stress, then you’ll be able to obtain a good memory. You may also find that it is just because you are faint in age (not generally the case). However, the reason why you may forget someone’s face is not as important as it is to how you can try to remember a person’s name and face.
The first step is that you will want to repeat their name during the introduction. You should then say the person’s name at least seven to ten times in your head.
Saying the person’s name at least seven to ten times in your head via repetition will help you remember. Do not feel bad if you can’t remember their last name. Not only will repeating the name help you remember, but also you may want to link the first letter of the name with an object. Like Barb and Bird will help you to associate the name to something and you are more likely to write. This is called mnemonics, work association.
However, you could always write it down if it is convenient. You will find that if you then were to review the note regularly you will be able to remember a lot more. There are a lot of tips like this that you could do, but it doesn’t seem practical.
You should also learn someone’s name by looking at him or her long enough. When you look at someone there are going to be memories that come to life and then all of a sudden you will find something will give you the name. This is more likely for those who were close friends years ago, but then grew apart. This is a great trick to keep in mind if you are going to your high school reunion or such.
You may also find that it could be helpful when you try to remember their initials. Once you have their initials you will be able to figure out their name by elimination (another version of mnemonics). You will find that your memory will come back very quickly.
Ask to have the name spelled or repeated, especially if it is unusual.
Repeat the name during your conversation, and when saying goodbye.
When it comes to reunions you will want to pull out that yearbook and try to make a name with the face without looking. For those who you do not get right, you will want to consider studying for a little bit and then digging out some of the old memorabilia so that you can come up with more memories. You may also want to try to make an educated guess. Most of the time you will be right, however, there are times when you won’t be right at all.
There are some things that you do not want to do as well.
First, you do not want to ask for someone’s name twice or ask him or her to describe who they were. This is rude to begin with, but it will also hurt their feelings that you do not remember them.
Lastly, you do not ever want to refer to someone as “what’s their name” because it is dis-respective. If you can’t think of the name, say nothing or you may want to say something like “we”, instead of going into details. The key is to know what to say to someone who you think you know but cannot remember.
In business
Always wright something about your encounter on the back of business cards received to remind you of the meeting.
Degrees of success in life and in business can be directly related to your ability to remember someone’s name. There is even a myth from ancient times that remembering someone’s name was reserved for only the Gods. Take the last statement for what’s is worth, but we all are impressed by that person who is good with names.