For most folks, a change signifies a possible disorientation, consternation and moving away from their comfort zone. Since most of us seek stability and order, we hardly ever welcome a change. Many of us find ourselves in great stress, anxiety and immense chaos when the prospect of change looms around the corner.
As much as wish to avoid it, it’s prudent to realize that change is inevitable. Life is a collection of changes; with life we learn to deal with a change and mold ourselves to get along with it. Likewise, in an organization, when a change is implemented, people can get accustomed to the changed environment. Instead of being scared and running away from the change, it’s favorable to learn, how to cope with a change. I find that by embracing change and labeling it as an experience helps ease the discomfort and actually brings self-confidence.
Often times when we have those persisting issues that keep reappearing its life’s little way of reminding us that the path that we are on is not the right path and to choose another way.
Below are some personal strategy points that can help you overcome the stress of change:
• Take a different approach
Change is not always bad. Many times, in fact most of the times when there is a change, it happens for a good reason. Remember the way a child learns to walk from crawling? It’s a change which might seem excruciatingly painful because of all the falling which results in bruises, but once a child learns to walk, it proves to be the most beneficial change to have ever happen to him or her in life, a learning “experience”. Likewise, in an organization, when there is a change due to higher management policies, consumer demands etc., it is not always for worse. In fact, many times, due to modern principles of total quality management (TQM), it is beneficial for an organization to implement a change thus, helping the employees in return to excel. An employee should look at a change with positive, optimistic, and a challenging approach. Doing this, would ease the process of change for a person and lead to a better future for him or her in the new scenario.
• Realize your capacity to adapt
Everyone has a different capacity to adapt him/herself to a change. Some people, due to their quick learning abilities and higher IQ are able to adapt themselves to changes much quicker than others. Apart from genetic abilities, this capability to efficiently and quickly change is provided by proper planning and right attitude as well as communication when appropriate.
• Develop a managing strategy based on who you are
Self-realization is an important virtue. A person who is aware of his or her shortcomings and positive attributes are in a better position to evaluate their abilities in managing change. Making a list of the current skills, and skills that would need to be acquired and acting accordingly would help you to engage in an efficient transformation towards a change.
• Keep your expectations realistic
Many times, a change does not produce the results that it was intended to give. At other times one might experience severe discomfort while adapting to a change. Irrespective of such incidents, one should not get disheartened by a failure and be open towards future changes. With this, it is greatly advised to have a realistic approach towards a change and the ability to change. Proper guidance regarding the consequences of a change can be solicited from a senior member or mentor of the organization to get a realistic view of the change.
Putting off until tomorrow what you can do today only leads to a path of inefficiencies and disappointments for you and those around you. Make the most of your abilities and learn more so that you can do more.
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