Allawos & Company fosters Balanced trade creating Jobs for US Based DuPont

Allawos & Company fosters Balanced trade creating Jobs for US Based DuPont
News Release, Glendora California
We often hear about US companies leaving the United States for greener pastures overseas, due to over regulations, high taxes or to be closer to their markets. For the past year and a half DuPont has been working on a new liner technology for a Chinese bearing company Longxi (Fujian Longxi Bearing) to help launch their maintenance free spherical bearing line.
At the beginning of 2016 Longxi received their certification from the US Navy (regulatory agency). Through the negotiation efforts of Allawos & Company with DuPont on behalf of Longxi A&C just recently finished negotiations for long term pricing and deliveries. Longxi is currently working on a purchase and release schedule for their preliminary and long term orders for DuPont’s new liner system.
Along with the purchasing of materials, DuPont and Longxi have agreed to develop joint technical releases and white papers as well as future marketing efforts.
This new relationship not only creates new products that the market place is asking for but also creates jobs in America for American workers not only at DuPont but at Longxi Bearing USA a Fujian Longxi Bearing subsiderary based in Walnut, California.
Fujian Longxi Bearing (LS) is the largest spherical bearing manufacturer in China with 13% of its products exported worldwide holding ISO and AS registered certifications with an 8 PPM track record. (626) 335-5015