Monthly Archives: March 2015

AccelWind Holdings, Inc.

Allawos & Company, LLC has assisted us in identifying key technologies, partners and strategies, working to solve some critical and strategic infrastructure issues for our clients. These relationships assist both our organization, as well as our client’s organization in reaching their corporate goals in a more timely and cost effective manner. Our company provides turn-key solutions for off and on-grid power and water projects.

We have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Allawos over the past three years and have found his intelligence and candor very refreshing. We look forward to Allawos & Company’s continued efforts in our behalf. January 18, 2012

Stanford Carr Development, LLC

“I worked with Michael Allawos on the advance coordination and planning leading up to a test installation of a prototype vertical wind turbine on Oahu, Hawaii. I found Mr. Allawos to be extremely competent and very easy to work with on the business, governmental and technical aspects of the project. He brought a great deal of enthusiasm and energy to our discussions and represents his company in an exemplary manner.


“Michael Allawos is a natural when it comes to bridging the communication gap from the sciences to the lay person. Being able to grasp a concept and articulate that concept to individuals as well as the masses.

I appreciated and respected working with Michael on the various projects here at Caltech and as one of the past sitting Board Members at California Energy & Power. He brought a driven clarity for success in a disciple manner.

As the Vice Provost for Caltech and as the Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Professor of Bioinspired Engineering specializing in Hydro and aerodynamics, biological flows, bio-inspired medical devices, and advanced flow visualization techniques, I look forward to working with Michael in the future.”